This virtual memorial has been compiled from Nottingham Evening Post obituary entries, the CWGC Debt of Honour Register and other military sources, census data and Birth, Marriage and Death indexes. It commemorate fatalities from the Sneinton area of Nottingham whose names do not appear on the memorial in St Stephen's Church.
Most of those listed here lived in four parishes. Neither St Matthias nor St Alban seem to have erected memorials during the Great War's aftermath. However, from the totals posted on the parish by parish plaque at St Mary's, it appears that 20 St Alban men and 272 from St Matthias perished. At St Christopher, some time after the First World War the glass in the east window was replaced as a memorial to the men of the parish who did not return from the war. Research to date has failed to locate a Roll of Honour or other details except that the memorial window, destroyed by the Luftwaffe in May 1941, is said to have included the regimental insignia of every serviceman killed. At St Philip (65 killed according to the St Mary's wall memorial), notes Doug Fletcher, ‘A brass plaque bearing the names of the men of the parish who died in World War I was fixed to the north wall of the Chancel. It had a double column of names. The apsidal chancel had five stained glass windows by a local maker, Gascoyne. These five widows formed (a second) War Memorial for the First World War.’ As well as 200 listed at St Stephen, it is probable that around 460 additional Sneinton men were lost during the 1914-18 conflict, perhaps around 100 from the parish of St Christopher which has no total listed at St Mary's. David Nunn
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
- George Cyril Allen
- Cecil Taylor Allott
- Wallace Allsopp
- Arthur Allsopp
- George Amos
- Herbert William Anderson
- Bertram Anderson
- James Angley
- John Robert Antcliffe
- James Walter Armstrong
- Harry Armstrong
- George Asher
- Leonard Ashworth
- Edward John Astill
- Walter Arthur Atkin
- William Attaway
- Charles Attenborough
- Arthur John Attewell
- Herbert Bailey
- Cornelius Baker
- James Baker
- Dennis Bamford
- Harold Arthur Bannister
- Arthur Barber
- James Barker
- Harold Barling
- Arthur Barlow
- Harold Barnett
- Lawrence Barsby
- George William Barsby
- Henry Samuel Barton
- George Baxter
- Joseph Arthur Beardall
- Arthur Bearder
- Cyril Beastall
- George Bee
- Joseph Henry Bell
- Albert Benson
- Thomas Bexton
- Henry Blanchard
- John Blockley
- Walter Blore
- George Bodell
- Horace Boot
- John Booth
- John William Booth
- William Ernest Booth
- George Bostock
- John Bosworth
- Mark Bradbury
- William Bradbury
- John Henry Bradford
- George Vernon Bradley
- Francis John Patrick Brady
- Frank Bramhall
- Arthur Bramley
- George Branston
- Clarence Braybrook
- Benjamin Brearley
- Percy Brentnall
- Andrew Bell Briggs
- Albert Brindley
- Arthur Brooks
- Ernest Brown
- Clive Jeremy Brownson
- Walter Bunney
- William Alfred Burton
- Theophilus Burton
- Mark Bush
- Harold Butler
- Joseph Buttery
- Arthur Button
- Alfred Buxton
- Edwin George Carter
- Arthur Castle
- George Caunt
- Frederick Caunt
- Henry Caunt
- George Henry Cawthan
- Frederick Chamberlain
- William Chambers
- Thomas Tutin Charlton
- Leonard Chester
- Christopher Charles Christmas
- Harry Clay
- Henry Charles Clay
- John Clayton
- William Cliff
- Arthur Cockram
- George Cook
- Ben Cooper
- Herbert Ernest Cooper
- Harold Cope
- John Corbett
- Patrick Corcoran
- Walter Cotton
- William Cotton
- Charles Cox
- Henry Beeson Cross
- James Arthur Crowson
- Tom Crump
- George William Cullen
- Albert Cumberland
- William Arthur Cumberworth
- Percy Daft
- William Dale
- Cecil Dale
- Arthur Danby
- Herbert Davis
- Albert William Davis
- Charles Davis
- Ernest Dawn
- Henry James Deane
- Frederick John Dearman
- John Dennis
- Arthur Denny
- Ernest Denny
- Percy Denton
- Frederick William Dexter
- Walter Dickerson
- William Dilks
- James Dolan
- John Dolan
- John Donoven
- Arthur Drain
- Wallace Drury
- William Dryer
- William Dunn
- James Richard Dunn
- Thomas Edwin Elliott
- Alfred Goddard Elliott
- Joseph Ettridge
- Francis Farrell
- Horace Kenneth Feneley
- Ronald fensom
- Ernest Walter Fiddes
- George Finch
- Ralph Fisher
- Reuben Fisher
- James William Fisher
- Ernest Forbes
- William Foster
- Harry Foster
- James Fowler
- Bertie Fowler
- John Foxon
- James Freeman
- William Arthur Freeman
- Ernest Freestone
- Harold Frost
- Frederick Gamble
- Charles Garbett
- James Gascoyne
- Jim George
- George William Cullen
- Harry Vincent Gilbert
- Charles Gilman
- Alfred Ernest Gisby
- Fred Glover
- James Goodband
- Frank Gosling
- William Edward Gough
- Thomas Grantham
- Edwin Harry Green
- Thomas Green
- Herbert Green
- William Green
- Ernest Greenwood
- Harold Greenwood
- Harold A Gregg
- William Hackett
- Samuel Hackford
- William Hall
- William Greasley Hall
- George Frederick Hall
- George H Hallam
- George Hancock
- Walter Harby
- Lawrence Hardy
- James Harris
- James Archie Harris
- William Harrison
- Francis Harrison
- William Harrison
- Arthur Harrison
- Frederick Harrison
- Jack Harriss
- Frank Hartshorn
- William Harvey
- William Henry Hayes
- George Haywood
- Henry Hebditch
- John Henson
- George Hicks
- George Hill
- James Hill
- John Thomas Hill
- Harold Hinks
- Walter Hinks
- Albert Edward Hoffen
- Charles Holland
- William Lambert Holmes
- James Horne
- Alfred Frederick Hough
- Frank Edward Hourd
- Frank Howitt
- William Howlett
- Frank Hudson
- Albert Hudson
- John Hudson
- Alfred Humphreys
- Sidney Humphries
- George Hunt
- Harold Hurt
- Percival Hutchinson
- George Thomas Hyde
- Ernest A Inger
- John James
- Cyril Jarvis
- George Jarvis
- Ernest Jesson
- Harby Johnson
- Herbert Johnson
- Harry Edgar Jones
- George William Keeling
- Harry Wilson Kemp
- Albert Keward
- William Kiddier
- George Henry Kilbourn
- Phillip Kimbley
- Arthur Kinch
- Louis Bertie King
- George William King
- Thomas Francis King
- William Kirk
- Horace Knight
- Samuel Lane
- Frederick Laurie
- Thomas Lea
- Charles Lee
- Charles Richard Lee
- Walter Bernard Lees
- Henry Lennox
- Joseph Lester
- Gilbert Clifford Lineker
- Percy Linfoot
- John Littlewood
- Albert Long
- John William Lord
- Ernest Lowton
- James Lowton
- Frederick William Malin
- Thomas Maltby
- Arthur Maltby
- Francis Mann
- John Austin Mann
- George William Mansfield
- William Henry Marriott
- William Martin
- Henry Martin
- George Martin
- William Martin
- Harry Edward Nason
- James Mathers
- William McCree
- Francis McDermott
- Frank Mead
- Henry Medcalf
- Charles Norris Mee
- George Mee
- James Meek
- William Meller
- Thomas William Mellows
- John Herbert Messom
- Frederick Ralph Middleton
- Frank Miller
- John William Miller
- Samuel Millington
- Thomas Millington
- John Harold Mills
- Edward Mills
- Robert Millward
- Joseph Mitchell
- Ernest Moakes
- Heslop Moon
- Leonard Morris
- John Morris
- Philip Mortimer
- William Morton
- William Muir
- John Mundell
- William Murphy
- Joseph Albert Musson
- Harry Edward Nason
- Thomas George Needham
- Charles Newcombe
- Samuel Newman
- Harold Newton
- William Nix
- George Nixon
- Alfred Notman
- John Osborne
- Edmund Nelson Oscroft
- Joseph Oswin
- John Oswin
- William Oswin
- Frank Pacey
- John William Paddock
- William Padgett
- Frank Page
- Richard John Page
- Frank Parker
- Harold Parker
- William Parkes
- Edgar Isaac Parr
- William Peet
- Ben Perotti
- Joseph William Perry
- Walter Horace Pickbourne
- Arthur Pollington
- Harry Poole
- Frank Potter
- John Thomas Powell
- Alfred Pratt
- William Francis Pratt
- John Robert Priestley
- Sidney Prior
- Francis Laurence Pykett
- John George Raffell
- Henry Carr Raistrick
- Ben Raynor
- Frederick Read
- William Reddish
- George Reed
- George Henry Reynolds
- Arthur Richardson
- Frank Richardson
- Alfred Richardson
- John Richmond
- Thomas Riley
- Charles Riley
- John Alfred Riley
- Percival Frederick Roberts
- William Thomas Robinson
- Charles Robinson
- Albert Rogers
- Herbert John Rossin
- Alfred Rowson
- William Royston
- Horace Russell
- Frederick Saunderson
- Edward Savage
- Samuel Scothern
- Thomas Hall Scothern
- Harry Frederick Scothon
- Arthur Scott
- John Edward Scrivener
- Leonard Seary
- Arthur Selby
- John S Sellers
- George Sharp
- Alfred Shaw
- Frank Shaw
- Charles Shenton
- Thomas Shenton
- William Arthur Shepherd
- Albert Sherwin
- Charles Henry Shewring
- Frederick Shippam
- Harold Simpkin
- Frank Simpson
- Edward Simpson
- Ernest Sims
- Frederick Skellington
- Albert Slack
- Edward Sleath
- Oliver Slight
- Edward Francis Smith
- Harold Smith
- John Smith
- John William Smith
- Samuel Smith
- William Albert Smith
- Frederick Smith
- George William Smitham
- Henry Sneath
- Ernest Snowden
- Patrick Spellman
- Henry Morriss Spinks
- George Henry Stapleton
- Walter Stedham
- Frederick Stevenson
- Henry Straw
- John Wilfred Strutt
- John Sykes
- George Taft
- Francis Tatton
- George William Taylor
- Richard Edward Taylor
- William Taylor
- Albert Templeman
- John Theobald
- John Thompson
- Joseph Francis Thompson
- Fred Thorpe
- Herbert Thrower
- George Henry Tinker
- George Tomlinson
- Bernard Toplis
- Arthur Towle
- Thomas Turner
- Henry Turner
- Arthur Turton
- Herbert Tutin
- Wilabraham twemlow
- George Tyers
- Henry Tyers
- Stanley Tyers
- Charles Tytherley
- George Upton
- George Edward Wainwright
- William Wainwright
- Joseph Wakefield
- Samuel Waldram
- Ernest Walker
- Thomas Walker
- Arthur Walker
- William Wallace
- Charles H Wallis
- John William Walters
- Ernest Edward Ware
- Albert Wells
- Thomas Welsh
- George Westby
- William Frederick Wheat
- James Aaron Wheat
- Frederick Wheat
- Thomas Henry Wheatcroft
- James William Whiles
- Stanley Whitbread
- Frederick Charles Whitby
- Albert Whitehead
- George Whittaker
- William Whyler
- Arthur Widdowson
- Joseph Widdowson
- George Wilkinson
- Frank Willoughby
- Henry Wilson
- George Richard Wilson
- Robert Wilson
- Royce Wilson
- Robert Wilson
- Walter Joseph Winter
- Samuel Wood
- Mark Wood
- Harry Woodcock
- Bertie Woolley
- Fred Woolley
- George Worthington
- Arthur Wright