George Henry Hallam
- Family History
- Military History
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He was the son of Ada Hallam and the brother of Mary Ann, Thirza and John Hallam. They lived at 18, Royal Oak Hill, Carlton Road, Nottingham.
George Henry Hallam initially served (16108) in the Sherwood Foresters, later transferring to the 8th Glosters.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 5A & 5B
In memoriam published 18th August 1918 in the Nottingham Evening Post :-
“HALLAM. – In loving memory of my dear son, Pte. George Henry Hallam, Gloucesters, killed in action November 18th, 1916. A day of remembrance, sad to recall. – From his loving mother, sisters, brother, and Fred (in France), niece May, fiancée Annie.”
Above is courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918
The linking of George Henry Hallam with George Hallam from All Souls is probable, based upon his place of birth. He and his sister Mary were born at Radford.
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