Arthur Harrison
Service number
Military unit
1/7th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Date of birth
Date of death
24 Apr 1917 (21 years old)
Place of birth
Employment, education or hobbies
Member of 2nd Nottingham Company Boys' Brigade (Dakeyne Street Lads' Club).
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Family history
He was the son of William and Elizabeth Harrison, of Sneinton, Nottingham and the brother of Herbert Harrison, of 3 Model Place, Walker Street, Nottingham (CWGC)
Military history
Killed when a German 8inch shell burst in the courtyard of the headquarters at Leivin, France. Buried Canadian Cemetery No 2, Neuville-St Vaast (grave ref 4.B.1)
Extra information
Nottingham Post notice (abridged), 17 May 1917: 'Harrison. Killed by shell April 24th, Lance Corporal Arthur Harrison, 3 Model Place, Walker Street, age 21. Father, brothers.'