Nottinghamshire North, South & East Virtual
Commemorated here are Nottinghamshire Great War fatalities from outside the city of Nottingham whose names do not appear on any other memorials across the county or on this website. David Nunn
Identified casualties
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
Names on this memorial
- W Ablewhite
- Frank Adams
- Ernest Adkin
- A Alworthy
- H Andrews
- J C E Arnold
- Allan Oliver Atkin
- F W Atkinson
- Fred Bailey
- J H Baker
- David Ball
- John Barker
- C J Barnett
- F E Barratt
- S J Barratt
- W A Bealby
- R G Beat
- J W Bell
- J W Bell
- R G Bennett
- Edward Berry
- W Betts
- D Birch
- H G Blackett
- W Bloor
- A Boddam-Whetham
- Cecil Arthur Reginald Bolton
- James Bonner
- C G Bonnett
- Harry Booth
- Wilfrid Eric Booth
- J Bow
- Fred Brown
- Harry Brown
- Willis Brown
- Ronald Brown
- A P Bullock
- Samuel Bullock
- G A V Butt
- C W Carr
- Frederick Arthur Carter
- C C Chalk
- Thomas Henry Chapman
- R D Chrystal
- Mansfield Clarke
- S W Clements
- C Collin
- Horace Cook
- J R Cook
- George Henry Cooke
- Frank Coop
- Samuel Cooper
- R W Coulthard
- F V Coupland-Smith
- Bertie Cox
- William Crooks
- William Cutts
- Alec Dawson
- Frank Devereux
- J W Dodson
- Archibald Eley
- W Farr
- J J Faulkner
- J G Fernley
- Arthur Fisher
- William Fisher
- William Fisher
- C W H Flatters
- Bertram Fletcher
- E J Ford
- Hal Forster
- John Foster
- E A Foulkes
- W H Froggett
- W G Gall
- Ernest Gamwell
- Walter Gamwell
- W Gant
- E Goddard
- J Goddard
- J Goodyear
- R M Grandige
- J F Green
- Leonard Green
- Robert Courtney Green
- J H Gregory
- J Gregory
- A Gumley
- Harry Gunn
- F A Hallam
- W S Harpham
- R V Harris
- E W Harrison
- C F Haywood
- J Hempshall
- George Hempshall
- W Hemstock
- J Hennessey
- E Henton
- Alice Hicklin
- O J Hicks
- B Hitchen
- John W Holmes
- Arthur Hope
- Joseph Hopkins
- Harry Howett
- C S Hudson
- E Hudson
- H A Hughes
- T A Hunt
- Seth Hurt
- C F Ingamells
- G E H Ingram
- J Jacques
- O W James
- P J Jobe
- George Henry Johnson
- Joseph Arthur Jordan
- Harold Kaye
- J L Kitchen
- Lewis Knight
- Ernest Knott
- George Lamb
- Fred Lambert
- Louis Bernard Law
- William Lewis
- Albert Lineham
- T Lound
- H B Lowe
- E Mackinson
- Alfred Mann
- G Mansell
- T H Masding
- F Massey
- A G Masters
- M McLean
- T G Mellish
- Elijah George Mendham
- Maclaren Miller
- W V Miller
- Clifford Miller
- C Mirfin
- R W Mitchell
- G Moakes
- James Jackson Mollison
- G E B Moore
- G W Moorley
- G Morley
- Joseph William Morris
- Harold Moulds
- J S Newman
- Wilfred Norman
- Henry Nuttall
- F J Orr
- J F Orr
- C R Orr
- A Pacey
- W Pacey
- Charles Frederick Paine
- W Parkin
- E R Parry
- Ralph Pattison
- Joseph Pearson
- J H Prentice
- Frederick Neale Reid
- William Richardson
- R Riley
- C Ross
- F Rudd
- Herbert Rudd
- T W Rushby
- Fred Sawyer
- J C Schingh
- P Sebright
- T Senescall
- G E Sensicall
- Albert Sharp
- Cecil Shaw
- W Shaxon
- C Sheppard
- A Short
- William Bennett Sissins
- G R Sissons
- James Slater
- H M Smedley
- James Smith
- William Smith
- W E E Smith
- Francis John Geoffrey Smith
- John William Smith
- S Snell
- W A Starbuck
- W Steele
- C M Steeper
- T Stephenson
- Arthur Stevens
- Henry Stevens
- Jesse Stevens
- W B Stothard
- H J Stow
- R Swallow
- C E Taylor
- John Taylor
- William Taylor
- F B H Taylor
- A Taylor
- Joseph Thomas
- John Thompson
- J S Thompson
- Louis Thornley
- J T Tilley
- G Timperley
- H Tindall
- N Tindall
- G Tomlinson
- Robert Wilfred Townsend
- F H Tregidgo
- A E Turner
- G S Turton
- F Vessey
- Thomas Wakefield
- W Walduck
- Ernest Walker
- A S Walker
- John Thomas Walker
- John Ward
- G H Wardle
- W Wardley
- H Watkin
- Henry Watson
- John Watson
- W H Webster
- Thomas Wharton
- Edward Wheatley
- J F Whitehead
- Hubert Whitehead
- Horace Wilkinson
- M H Wilkinson
- Howitt Key Wilkinson
- M F Wilson
- Walter Wilson
- J W Witt
- R Wolstenholme
- G W Wood
- A G Woodend
- Bertram Woods
- G W Woods
- Alfred Wray
- George Wright
- Fred Young
- John Young
- Arthur Young
Photo David Nunn
The Major Oak is between 800 and 1000 years old and has local folklore associations with Robin Hood. Located in the middle of Sherwood Forest, the tree is one of Nottinghamshire's most famous landmarks. It appears here as a symbolic tribute to the county's Great War dead not commemorated elsewhere.