Ernest Adkin
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- Military History
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Ernest Adkin was born in 1884 the son of Jesse a jobbing gardener and former coal miner and Ann Adkin (née Clifford). His parents were born at Stapleford, Jesse in 1849 and Anne in 1851. They married in 1871 and had six children - William b.1872 Martha Ann b.1875, Jesse b.1877, Samuel b.1879, Henry b.1882 and Ernest. In 1911, they lived at 16, Moorbridge Lane, Stapleford. Jesse was a jobbing gardener, William a general labourer and Henry a blacksmith. Ernest married Edith Wilson in 1912 and they lived at 22, Conway Street, Long Eaton. Ernest’s effects of £276, 8 shillings and 6 pence were left to his widow Edith Adkin (Probate Derby 28/8/1918).
Ernest Adkin enlisted at Ilkeston whilst living at Long Eaton and was killed in action at Vimy Ridge.
Arras Memorial Bay 6
Research by Peter Gillings