George Timperley
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Husband Of Mary Jane Timperley, Of Clarborough, Retford, Notts.
Sergeant G Timperley The Retford Times 20/10/1916
Above is a portrait of Sergt G Timperley, Manchester Regt, who as recorded has died in France as a result of injuries accidentally received. Deceased who was 31 years of age, was a reservist and was called up on the outbreak of hostilities. He was wounded in October 1914 and had been mentioned in dispatches for bravery in the field. His widow is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Bartle of Clarborough. Sergt W N Douglas of the R A M C writing to Mrs Bartle said “ He died whilst in the service of his King and country, a noble service too. He was bought into hospital on Oct 1st with a very serious fracture of the jaw. After an operation he came round splendidly but could not speak. The doctors believed he has also a fracture at the base of his skull. He ultimately became unconscious and passed peacefully away at one o’clock on the 2nd inst. Rest assured, he received every possible attention from the doctors and chaplain.”
Bethune Town Cemetery