All Souls Radford's Great War memorial was apparently lost or destroyed during the late Victorian church's demolition in 1979. Fortunately, Brian Szowkomud, who grew up in Radford, has obtained from Bob Cripwell a list of names headed 'Taken From The Original War Memorial'. Cripwell, notes Brian ' ... climbed the ladder and another All Souls churchwarden Joseph Bamford (since deceased) wrote the names down as Bob read them. Bob remembers that the memorial was old metal... brass? which was possibly scrapped when the church was demolished.' Brian's important discovery has made it possible to compile this section of the Roll of Honour. There is a discrepancy between the All Souls total cited on Nottingham St Mary's City and County memorial (255) and the number on Bob Cripwell's list (241). David Nunn
- Names on this memorial
- Photographs
- Leonard Allen
- John Allen
- Albert Allitt
- Joseph Asher
- James William Ball
- Robert Henry Beck
- F Beecroft
- William Bellaby
- John Bennett
- Percy Berry
- Edward E Berry
- William Billington
- TW Blackwell
- John Bowler
- Herrick Stanley Bratby
- Kenneth Bratby
- S Brealey
- H Breedon
- Ernest Brewster
- George Brinklow
- Richard Bromhead
- Granville Brown
- Leonard Burrows
- John H Burton
- Bernard Butler
- TC Chambers
- Arthur Charles
- Cecil Charlesworth
- WH Chatterton
- John T Clay
- William Clayton
- Harry L Cliff
- Frederick Collins
- William Charles Collyer
- Fred Comley
- Sidney Cooper
- George Cooper
- John Cordon
- Herbert Coulby
- William H Cox
- Charles Coxon
- George Crane
- Frank Cupitt
- Andrew Cutts
- Arthur Danby
- Albert Davis
- WE Davis
- Harold Desborough
- Harold Dexter
- George Dobbs
- Percy Ewart Downing
- Alfred Dring
- John Dring
- Richard Henry Dufflield
- Horace Eaton
- William Eaton
- George Edward Edson
- Leonard Elkington
- EC Evans
- Paul Evans
- William Evans
- William Falconbridge
- Walter Farnsworth
- Ernest Fiddes
- Ashton Fields
- Louis Fish
- John William Fish
- George Fisher
- C Flecknoe
- William Flewkes
- Arthur Flint
- Joeph Foster
- WE Frankland
- W Freeman
- Albert Frier
- Richard Gabbitas
- Leonard Garton
- Charles Gidlow
- Albert Gilbert
- James G Goddacre
- Joseph Goss
- Alfred Goulder
- William Grainger
- John Grainger
- George William Grainger
- Samuel Grundy
- Richard Hall
- Harold Hall
- George Hallam
- Henry Hallam
- Harold Harker
- William Harrison
- James Hawkridge
- William Charles Heath
- Thomas Henson
- Harold Henson
- John Herrett
- Arthur Herrod
- J Scotney Hewson
- James Hill
- John Hinde
- George Hinds
- Bert Holland
- Albert Holland
- John J Hollis
- John Hollis
- Richard Holmes
- Herbert Hopcroft
- George Hudson
- Thomas Hulme
- Samuel Hunt
- Joseph Hunt
- Ernest James
- Frederick James
- Henry Jeeves
- Fred Johnson
- L Jones
- Edward Kay
- WA Kettle
- Percy Kinder
- George E King
- John King
- Lewis B King
- Alfred Lambert
- George Lambert
- Ernest Lane
- Michael Lennon
- AH Lewin
- CW Locke
- Alfred H Lodge
- Harry Long
- William Lunn
- James Mackin
- JW Mann
- Arthur Taylder Marriott
- George Marshall
- Joseph Matthews
- Thomas Maxfield
- Bernard MvAvan
- Alex Merson
- Ernest Augustus Mettam
- Glynn Miller
- H Miller
- A Mills
- James Moore
- Leonard Morley
- Joseph Myatt
- Albertr Naylor
- William Newcombe
- John Newton
- Peter H Nightingale
- George Nix
- William Nix
- Albert L Parker
- William Parsons
- Richard R Pearce
- Tom Pearson
- George Pedley
- Frederick Bonner Perkins
- Frank Phillips
- Wallace Pike
- Albert Pilkington
- Joseph Pilkington
- Albert Raynes
- Fred Richardson
- Isaac Richardson
- Cecil Rimmington
- John H Rogers
- William Russell
- Frank Saunders
- HE Saunders
- John Saunders
- Arthur Saunders
- Edward Savage
- GH Seymour
- John W Sharman
- William Sharp
- GH Sharp
- JR Shelton
- George Simpson
- E Singleton
- William Skerritt
- Henry Smith
- Harold Smith
- Harry Smith
- Oscar V Smith
- Harry Smith
- George Smith
- Thomas Rowland Smith
- Horace G Smith
- GW Squire
- AE Stableford
- Clarence Stocks
- Arthur E Stratton
- EJ Strouther
- C William Swift
- Harry Swift
- Alfred Swingler
- FGC Taylor
- George Taylor
- Bert Taylor
- William Taylor
- Albert E Taylor
- John Henry Tempest
- William B Terza
- WH Thornhill
- Ernest Thorpe
- George H Thorpe
- Henry Thrale
- George Throne
- Joseph H Tinkler
- James Tomlinson
- FG Tomlinson
- William Towle
- Arthur Toynton
- George Alfred Treece
- Joseph Truswell
- Tom Truswell
- George M Twissell
- Reginald Upton
- Joseph E Walker
- W Walker
- H Walker
- Charles W Ward
- George E Ward
- Samuel Ward
- Phillip West
- EW Westerman
- John White
- Fred Whitworth
- George Willbond
- George Williams
- Albert Wilson
- Leonard A Wilson
- H Alfred Windley
- Ernest Woodhead
- Thomas Woodward
- Charles Woodward
- Frank G Wootton
- Harry Wright
- John Wright