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This data is related to World War 1

Thomas Henry Henson

Service number 15212
Military unit 2nd Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 15 Sep 1916 (29 years old)
Place of birth Nottingham
Employment, education or hobbies

Employed as a lace bobbin and carriage hand (C. 1911)

Family history

Thomas Henry Henson born at Nottingham in 1887, was the only child of Thomas William Henson and Emma Coin who married at Nottingham in 1885. The family lived at: 10 Poynton Street, Nottingham [C.1891];1 Althorpe Street,Radford [C.1901]; 31 Bloomsgrove Street, Radford [C.1911]. Thomas William Henson, a moulder, died at Nottingham, aged 43, in 1904. Emma Henson who subsequently worked as a cotton reeler, died at Nottingham, either aged 63 in 1924 or aged 79, in 1940.

In 1913 Thomas Henry Henson married Harriett Alice Roberts at Nottingham. They had two children: Violet (b.1913) and Thomas H. (b.1915). The address given in the newspaper announcing Private Henson’s death was 65 St Peter’s Street, Radford [n.e.p.27.7.1917]. The post-war address given by CWGC was 6 Burke St., Alfreton Road, New Radford. It is not clear what subsequently happened to his widow.

Military history

Enlisted at Nottingham; killed in action; buried in the Guillemont Road Cemetery, Guillemont, Somme, France.

Extra information

