Alfred Clark Dring
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Alfred Clark (or Clarke) was the son of William Oliver and Annie Dring (née Ward).
His father William Oliver was born in Carlton in 1876 (J/F/M Basford), the son of Clarke (b. Huntingdonshire) and Emiiy Dring (b. Cambridgeshire). His mother, Annie, was born in Nottingham in 1874 (J/F/M Basford), the daughter of William and Ann Ward.
William Dring and Annie were married at Nottingham St Thomas on 8 March 1896 (J/F/M Nottingham) and had five children of whom three died in infancy [1911 Census]. Their two surviving children, both of whom were born in Nottingham, were: Alfred Clarke birth registered 1897 (J/F/M Nottingham) and Kate birth registered 1900 (J/F/M Nottingham).
In 1901 William (25) a coal carter, and Annie (27) were living at 10 Hovenden Street, Nottingham, with their two children, Alfred (4) and Kate (14m). Also in the household was Wililam's younger brother John W. (21) who was also a coal carter.
Annie Dring died in 1906 (A/M/J Basford) aged about 32.
By 1911 William was living at 1 Graham Street, Radford, with his son Alfred (14) who had just left school and was not yet in work. Also in the household was his housekeeper, Annie Roulestone (30 b. Nottingham), married, working as a lace dresser, and their daughter Hilda Dring Roulstone (b. 1908, O/N/D Basford surname Rowlston). According to the information on the census, Annie Roulstone had been married for 10 years and had had three children of whom one had died. It is not clear whether the two surviving children included her daughter Hilda (Dring). William's daughter, Kate, has not yet been traced on this census but if William also included Hilda (Dring Roulstone) as one of his two surviving children then Kate had died after 1901 and before 1911, one of his three children to die in infancy or early childhood.
William and Annie were married in 1917 (J/A/S Nottingham, Dring/Roulston-sic).
William Oliver died on 20 April 1937; the probate record gave his address as 277 Ilkeston Road, Nottingham. Probate was awarded to his sister Kate Reynolds ('wife of Herbert Reynolds'). [Kate Dring m. 1904] His wife Annie survived him.
For details of William Oliver Dring's family see record for his brother, Walter Dring
Alfred died between 24 March 1918 and 25 March 1918 (CWGC).
He was buried in Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1, Somme.
Alfred's uncle, Walter Dring, his father's younger brother, served in the Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment), 26862 Private, and was killed in France on 9 April 1917 aged 21. (See record on this ROH.)
Alfred's cousin, Frederick Frank Dring (b. Birmingham 1924), the son of his father's younger brother Frederick and his wife Cissie (née Tatton), served in the RAFVR in the Second World War (1817454 Sgt 619 Squadron) and was killed on 10 May 1944 aged 19 (Aubefenville Communal Cemetery). (See record for Walter Dring on this ROH.)
CWGC headstone personal inscription: 'A loving son a faithful brother one of God's best towards his mother'
CWGC Additional information: 'Son of William and Annie Dring, of Carlton, nr. Nottingham.'
Registers of Soldiers' Effects: DOD 24/25 March 1918. His stepmother, Annie, was his sole legatee.
WW1 Pension Ledgers & Index Cards: DOD 25 March 1918. His father William was his named relative.
Note: the above records give his first names as Alfred Charles [Dring]
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Deaths’, 22 April 1937: ‘Dring. William Oliver, died April 20th, Funeral Saturday, 24th, Netherfield Baptist Chapel, 12.45, Carlton Cemetery 1.15. Sorrowing wife and family.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Probate: Dring William Oliver of 277 Ilkeston-road Nottingham died 20 April 1937 at the General Hospital Nottingham Probate Nottingham 27 May to Kate Reynolds (wife of Herbert Reynolds). Effects £395 15s. 8d.
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘In Memoriam’, 20 April 1939: ‘Dring (Radford). Loving memories of my dear husband, Bill, died April 20th, 1937. Remembered always. Wife and family.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)