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Nottingham High School - World War One

Nottingham Boys' High School, Waverley Street, Nottingham. The memorial is a life-size figure in bronze of a young second lieutenant in service dress uniform leading his platoon in attack. The statue surmounts a pedestal of Portland stone set on three steps. On the front face is the inscription: 'To the Glory of God. In lasting and grateful memory of those former members of this School who by the sacrifice of their lives for the cause of their Country in the Great War 1914-1918 ennobled the traditions which they had here received.' On the reverse face is inscribed: ‘God gave them a great duty to do, and they did it. Te Deum Laudamus.’ The names of those who died are inscribed on bronze panels on the other two faces. The front of the pedestal bears a shield with the school motto and crest. The memorial was designed by a former Old Boy, Colonel AW Brewill DSO VD TD FRIBA, who commanded the 7th Battalion (Robin Hoods) Shewood Foresters Notts and Derby Regiment during the Great War. The sculptor was Henry Poole ARA (1873-1928) who also sculpted the memorial to Albert Ball which is in the grounds of Nottingham Castle. The stonework was by John Burton, mason of Nottingham, and the bronze figure was cast at the foundry of Messrs JW Singer & Sons Ltd, Frome, Somerset. The memorial cost about £2,500. The war memorial committee comprised Old Boys, parents and governors and the money was raised by private subscription. The memorial was unveiled on Saturday 11 November 1922 by His Grace The Duke of Portland KG GCV (Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire) and dedicated by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Newcastle, Dr HL Wild. Contemporary photographs of the ceremony and the memorial are published on (photograph references: NTGM005308, NTGM005256 and NTGM005242). Over 1,000 Old Boys served in the Great War. A tablet inscribed with the names of Old Boys who died in the Second World War has been added to the memorial as has a tablet with additional names of Great War casualties. The school compiled a Book of Remembrance which has the names of those who died, giving rank, first names, surname, unit and date killed. It also includes a list of honours awarded to Old Boys. A Roll of Honour, designed and emblazoned by Mr EM Betts, the school’s art master, was unveiled in the school by the Mayor of Nottingham, Alderman EL Manning, on 12 July 1923. The ROH lists the names of over 200 Old Boys and masters who died in the war.

Identified casualties 205 people
Names on this memorial