John Furlow McConnell Sergeant
He was educated at the Nottingham High School; he was admitted on 4th May 1904 aged 11 years leaving in 1907. In 1911 he was analytical student. He was a member of the University of Nottingham OTC for two years.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
John Furlow McConnell Sergeant was the son of Furlow Ross and Mary Jane Sergeant née McConnell.
His father Furlow Ross Seargeant was born on 11 December 1861 in Goxhall, Lincolnshire, but moved toNottingham when young. Hs mother Mary Jane McConneil was born in 1861 in Nottingham. They were married on 11 December 1888 at Nottingham All Saints and had three children: Evelyn Ross (or Rose) b. 19 November 1890 bap. Nottingham 18 January 1891; John Furlow McConnell b. 14 January 1893 bap. Nottingham St James 12 March 1893 and Kenneth Ross Sergeant b. 15 May 1898 bap. St James 17 July 1898 St James.
The family was living at 11 Beastmarket Hill, Nottingham, when John was baptised in March 1893 but had moved to 21 Chaucer Street by the time of Kenneth's baptism in July 1898.
They were still living at 21 Chaucer Street in 1901: Furlow Ross (39) a chemist and druggist, Mary Jane (40) and Evelyn (10), John (8) and Kenneth (2). Also in the household were a general domestic servant and a nurse (domestic). Furlow had founded the pharmacy business, F Ross Sergeant, at Cheapside, Nottingham
In 1911 the family was living at 15 Waverley Street, Nottingham. All three children were still living at home: Evelyn of no occupation, John an analytical student and Kenneth who was still at school. There were also two domestic staff, a cook and a housemaid.
The family was living at 3 Carisbrooke Drive, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, when John was killed in action in 1916.
Mary Jane Sergeant died on 25 January 1939.
In 1939 when the England & Wales Register was compiled Furlow, now retired, and his daughter Evelyn, a health visitor (Nottingham Corporation), were still living at 3 Carisbrooke Drive; they employed one general domestic servant.
Furlow Ross died on 3 November 1944.
Evelyn served as a nurse in the Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD) from 12 October 1915, joining when she was 24 years old. She served at home and abroad: Military Hospital Malta 12 October 1915-27 April 1916; Military Hospital France 17 June 1916-16 December 1916; Military Hospital Devonport 15 March 1917-10 April 1917 and Bagthorpe Military Hospital 2 June 1917-July 1919. She was awarded two scarlet efficiency stripes (4 July 1919). She later worked as a health visitor for Nottingham Corporation. Evelyn died on 11 February 1957; she was still living at 3 Carisbrooke Drive. Probate was awarded to her brother Kenneth and nephew John Jefcoate Ross Sergeant, a chartered accountant.
Kenneth Ross was a pharmacist and served in the RAMC in the war (110778 Acting Staff Sergeant). He married Ellen Lee at Leicester Holy Trinity on 4 September 1928 (J/A/S Leicester) and they had two children: John Jefcoate Ross b. 8 July 1929 (d. 1995) and Michael Ross b. 1933. In 1939 Kenneth was living on Robin Hood Chase, Nottingham. He died on 3 January 1977; the probate record gave his address as Richmond Drive, Mapperley Park, Nottingham.
Private John Furlow McConnell Sergeant enlisted in Canada on 24th September 1914. He was 21 yrs and 9 months old and had previously served for 2 years in the Officer Training Corps in Nottingham.
John Sergeant was initially reported missing in action and his death on 5 June 1916 was not confirmed until mid-August the same year. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (Panel 24-28-30).
Nottingham Evening Post, 'Roll of Honour', 19th August 1916: 'SERGEANT. – Killed in action, on June 5th, 1916 (previously reported missing), Private J. F. Mc (Jack) Sergeant, Canadian Light Infantry, elder and much loved son of F. Ross and M. J. Sergeant, Carisbrooke-drive, aged 23 years.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, 4 November 1944: ‘Well-Known Chemist. Death Of Mr F Ross Sergeant. The death occurred yesterday of Mr Furlow Ross Sergeant, in his 83rd year at his home, 3, Carisbrooke-drive, Mapperley Park, after a short illness. He was founder of the well-known pharmacy business of F Ross Sergeant, Cheapside, Nottingham. A native of Goxhill, Lincs, Mr Ross Sergeant, coming to Nottingham as a boy, was apprenticed to pharmacy. He subsequently spent a year or two in London and, returning to Nottinghan. Acquired the business in which he had served his apprenticeship. He retired about 15 years ago … He was an active Churchman, being a member of the congregation of St Andrew’s, and he was, at one time, churchwarden at St James’s … He leaves one son and a daughter.’