Sidney Charles Trease
Lieutenant in the 10th Nottingham (All Saints) Boys Brigade.
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He was the son of Annie Trease of 85 Waterloo Crescent Nottingham and the late George Trease. He was the brother of William, Ethel, Minnie, Daisy and Reginald Trease. Reginald Trease DSO MC died whist recovering from wounds 5/12/1918.While at school Sidney was presented with a watch by the headmaster for saving an old man who had fallen in the river at Trent Bridge.
He was attached to 11th Bn Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). After joining up he served in Cork, Ireland before leaving for Salonica where he was reported "missing believed killed" a few days before the Armistice in that country". (Recollections of his nephew George Trease). He went to Salonika early in 1918 and was killed a week before his 20th birthday (www.trease.org.uk/trf). Commemorated on the Dorian Memorial (Greece).
Seventeen year-old Sidney Trease rescued an elderly man from the Trent near the Town Arms on 17th April 1916; an act that was later recognised by the Royal Humane Society. He was killed in action as a nineteen year-old second lieutenant in Greece in September 1918.“THRILLING TRENT BRIDGE SCENE.“17-Year-Old Youth's Gallant Rescue of Would-be Suicide.“RIVER STRUGGLE IN FRONT OF HUNDREDS OF ONLOOKERS.“An exciting rescue from drowning was witnessed by a large number of people passing over Trent Bridge shortly after six o'clock last evening. [17th April 1916]“The rescued was an old man of 76 years, and the rescuer a youth of 17.“It appears that the old man, who is very infirm, wandered by the Trent until he reached a spot near the foot of the incline below the Town Arms Hotel. There he jumped into the water in full view of the people on the bridge.“Instantly, an alarm was raised. Sidney Trease, a young man residing at 83, Waterloo-crescent, was cycling over the bridge, and he immediately made for the Embankment. Reaching the spot, he threw down his cycle, and rushing down the steps dived into the river, fully clothed as he was.“Tired of Life.”“The old man had been carried four or five yards from the side when his rescuer reached him. After a struggle, Trease, who, as already mentioned, is only 17, brought him to the steps, where Police-Constable R. Marsh dragged him out of the water.“Trease, who was loudly cheered by a huge crowd of onlookers, had also to be helped on to the steps.“The police-officer removed the old man to the Nottingham General Hospital, where he is now making satisfactory progress, He gave his name as Martin Heaney, of Kirke White-street, and he is said to be well known amongst local anglers.“It is stated that Heaney told the police-officer that he jumped into the river because he was tired of life.” [1]Martin Heaney appeared before the Nottingham magistrates on 27th April 1916 on a charge of attempted suicide.“RESCUED FROM THE TRENT.“High School Cadet Corporal Congratulated by Magistrates.“The concluding act in a Trent side drama was reached at the Nottingham Guildhall yesterday, [27th April 1916] when Martin Heaney, aged 76, described as a glue-maker, of Kirke White-street was handed over to the care of his relatives. He jumped into the Trent on April 17th, but was seen by a passing cyclist, who rescued him.“The Chief Constable told the magistrates that the prisoner had been certified as responsible for his actions, but had been certified as responsible for his actions, but he required some home attention.“The court missionary (Mr. Lightfoot) said that Heaney got the idea that he was not wanted; but now his relatives had come to his assistance, and had promised to contribute towards his maintenance, and he would live with a daughter at Kimberley.“The Chief Constable brought to the notice of the magistrates the old man's rescuer, Sidney Trease, aged 17, of Waterloo-crescent, Nottingham, who appeared in the uniform of a corporal of the High School Cadet Corps, and he was warmly congratulated on his action.” [2]Trease's bravery was recognised by the Royal Humane Society and he was presented with a certificate at the Guildhall on 2nd June 1916.“PLUCKY CADET. “NOTTINGHAM YOUTH REWARDED BY HUMANE SOCIETY. “For pluckily rescuing from the Trent an old man who had attempted suicide, Sidney Trease, 17, of Waterloo-crescent, a corporal in the High School Cadets, was presented with the Royal Humane Society's certificate by the Nottingham magistrates to-day [2nd June 1916].“The Chief Constable (Mr. T. Clarke) said that, had it not been for Trease, who was not a particularly experienced swimmer, the old man would have been, drowned.“Mr. T. Shipstone congratulated the recipient on his manly and courageous conduct.” [3]Later commissioned into the Sherwood Foresters, he was killed in action attached to 11th Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in Salonika on 19th September 1918. He is commemorated on the Doiran Memorial. At the time of his death, he was the 19 year-old son of Annie and the late George Trease, of 85 Waterloo Crescent, Nottingham.His brother, Lieutenant Reginald Ernest Trease, D.S.O., M.C., Royal Field Artillery, severely wounded on 9th April 1917, died of pneumonia on 5th December 1918. He is buried in Nottingham Church Cemetery.[1] 'Nottingham Daily Express,' 18th April 1916.[2] 'Nottingham Daily Express,' 28th April 1916.[3] 'Nottingham Evening Post', 2nd June 1916.The above entries were researched and are courtesy of Jim Grundy and published on his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918