Percival Henry Biddulph Furley
Attended All Saints Church. Educated at Nottingham High School entering in 1906 aged 6 yrs and left in 1918.
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Percival Henry Biddulph Furley was known as 'Dab'. He was born on 10th February 1900 at Nottingham and was the son of Willis a hosiery manufacturer and Bertha Furley née Cornforth of 72 Cromwell Street Nottingham.
His father Willis Furley was born in 1865 at Nottingham, his mother Berhta Cornforth was born in 1864 in Croydon, Surrey, they were married on 3rd September at St Mary's Church Chessington, Surry and went on to have the following children all of whom were born in Nottingham, Athelston Willis b1894, Isabel Sarah b1896, Agatha Maud b1898, Percy Henry Biddulph b1900, Eric John b1909.
In the 1911 census the family are livning at 72 Cromwell Street, Nottingham and are shown as Wilis Furley 46 yrs a hosiery manufacturer, he is living with his wife Berhta 47 yrs and their children, Athelston Willis 17 yrs a scholar, Isabel Sarah 15 yrs a scholar, Agatha Maud 13 yrs scholar, Percy Henry Biddulph 11 yrs a scholar and Eric John 2 yrs, also living with them is Marion Cornforth, single 51 yrs of age and a sister in law, also in the household are two female servants.
Second Lieutenant Percival Henry Biddulph Furley served in the 41st Dogras, Indian Army, he was killed in action on 1st June 1919 and his name is commemorated on the Delhi Memorial (India Gate)
CWGC give the additional information that he was 'Buried Miranshah. Grave in the Political Agent's Garden.'
Though this is not a casualty from The First World War, he is commemorated on the School War memorial and did die in conflict with native tribes, the Wazirs and Mahsuds, on the Imperial-Afghani border (modern day Pakistan). Details of the operation are given below.
The operations in Wazaristan were extremely complex and difficult. The history of the operation states:
“On the 1st June the Waziristan Force was withdrawn from the command of the General Officer Commanding the North-West Frontier Force and came directly under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief.
The Headquarters of the 43rd Infantry Brigade having arrived in Bannu on 30th May, the formation of the Tochi Relief Column began. Reports had been very persistent at Miranshah of an impending advance of Afghan troops by the Upper Tochi and Kanibogh, but these were discounted later by a reliable report that these forces were short of transport and supplies, and were adopting a defensive role.
Their leader, however, continued to incite the Wazirs to continue their attacks and by the 31st may large numbers of tribesmen were reported to have re- assembled in the villages on both banks of the Tochi in the vicinity of Darpa Khel. The General Officer Commanding the 67th (Bannu) Brigade at Dardoni decided to disperse these lashkars and to destroy certain villages whose inhabitants were known to have committed offences, and to have participated in the attacks on the posts.
The following day the Dardoni moveable Column with 250 rifles of the North Waziristan Militia moved out and fought a very successful action. The enemy was put to flight with a loss of about 90 and the towers from where he had been sniping the Miranshah post were destroyed.Our casualties were:-
2nd-Lieutenant P H B Furley, 1st/41st Dogras and two Indian ranks killed, and five Indian ranks wounded.
The results of the action had a marked effect not only on our own troops and the Militia, but also on the tribesmen who were now convinced that our troops could and would operate against them, and also that no further evacuation of the Tochi was contemplated."
All Saints Church News, August 1919: 'The following have not previously been reported in the “Church News”. The sympathy of the Church goes out to the bereaved. Percival Henry Biddulph Furley, 72 Cromwell Street, 2nd Lieut. 41st Dogras Indian Army; killed in action at Miranshah, W India, June 1st 1919; age 19; Communicant; educated Nottingham High School, Captain of School and Cricket XI; first in all England Examination for Indian Army. Letters from his CO and Company Commander speak very warmly of his character and soldierly gallantry.
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