Theodore Bayley Hardy
Always a religious man, Theodore Hardy took the ultimate step for his faith in 1898 when he was ordained a deacon in the diocese of Southwell. He served as a master at Nottingham High School and also held the curacy at St Helen's Church, Burton Joyce with Bulcote and at St Augustine’s in New Basford. He was then appointed head of Bentham Grammar School, a post which he held until 1913. Not being in the best of health, when a position became available he moved to the parish of Hutton Roof in Cumbria where it was hoped the Lakeland air would be beneficial to him. Theodore Hardy was ministering at Hutton Roof when the war began and despite his health was determined to serve at the front. Initially being refused as it was felt that there were plenty of younger clergymen available he even took a first aid course with a view to volunteering as a stretcher bearer so determined was he to serve. He persevered with his badgering of the authorities and eventually he got his wish and was posted to serve as chaplain at the Etaples base in mid 1916.
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He was the son of George and Sarah Richards Hardy of Exeter, husband of the late Florence Elizabeth hardy (nee Hastings) of Hutton Roof Vicarage, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland. B.A.
Attached 25th Infantry Base Deport, Etaples, September 1916. Attached 63rd Brigade, 8th Lincolnshire Regiment, November, 1916. Awarded Distinguished Service Order, August 1917, Military Cross, October 1917, Victoria Cross, April 1918. Appointed Chaplain to the King, September 1918. Wounded 11th October 1918. Died of wounds, 18th October 1918.
An extract from the London Gazette, No. 30790, dated 9th July, 1918, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty on many occasions. Although over 50 years of age, he has, by his fearlessness, devotion to men of his battalion, and quiet unobtrusive manner, won the respect and admiration of the whole division. His marvellous energy and endurance would be remarkable even in a very much younger man, and his valour and devotion are exemplified in the following incidents: An infantry patrol had gone out to attack a previously located enemy post in the ruins of a village, the Reverend Theodore Bailey Hardy (C.F.) being then at company headquarters. Hearing firing, he followed the patrol, and about four hundred yards beyond our front line of posts found an officer of the patrol dangerously wounded. He remained with the officer until he was able to get assistance to bring him in. During this time there was a great deal of firing, and an enemy patrol actually penetrated between the spot at which the officer was lying and our front line and captured three of our men. On a second occasion when an enemy shell exploded in the middle of one of our posts, the Reverend T. B. Hardy at once made his way to the spot, despite the shell and trench mortar fire which was going on at the time, and set to work to extricate the buried men. He succeeded in getting out one man who had been completely buried. He then set to work to extricate a second man, who was found to be dead. During the whole of the time that he was digging out the men this chaplain was in great danger, not only from shell fire, but also because of the dangerous condition of the wall of the building which had been hit by the shell which buried the men. On a third occasion he displayed the greatest devotion to duty when our infantry, after a successful attack, were gradually forced back to their starting trench. After it was believed that all our men had withdrawn from the wood, Chaplain Hardy came out of it, and on reaching an advanced post asked the men to help him to get in a wounded man. Accompanied by a serjeant he made his way to the spot where the man lay, within ten yards of a pill-box which had been captured in the morning, but was subsequently re-captured and occupied by the enemy. The wounded man was too weak to stand, but between them the chaplain and the serjeant eventually succeeded in getting him to our lines. Throughout the day the enemy's artillery, machine-gun and trench mortar fire was continuous, and caused many casualties. Notwithstanding, this very gallant chaplain was seen moving quietly amongst the men and tending the wounded, absolutely regardless of his personal safety." 'It's Only Me', A life of the Reverend TB Hardy VC DSO MC, 1863-1918, vicar of Hutton Roof, Westmoreland. Author: David Raw, published 1988. ISBN 0 948511 45 1