George Percy Goodall
He was a solicitor (admitted February 1901) and clerk to the Bingham magistrate's bench and member of Beaumont and Goodall of Nottingham. Member Bromley House Library, Nottingham (1904-1916) and his death was recorded in the minutes of the general meeting in 1916. At Nottingham High School Goddard had been a keen and skilled debater. The first mention of GP Goodall in the Debating Society minutes came in late February 1894 when he is listed as one of the jury in a mock trial held as one of the meetings. The case was “Moriarty accused of murdering Sherlock Holmes”. He is then listed as having been elected to the Debating Society Committee on 14th September 1895. Undoubtedly he would have taken part in previous debates, but the first significant contribution listed is on October 12th 1895 when he opposed the motion “that in the opinion of this House the Execution of Charles I was justifiable”. Goodall argued that the execution of Charles was illegal, for an execution is only legal when the prisoner is tried by a legal tribunal and is condemned according to the law, and the tribunal which tried Charles was not a legal one, neither was he condemned according to the law. He pointed out that the tribunal was appointed only by a minority of the House of Commons and that there was no law by which he could be condemned. The charge of High Treason against him was, Mr Goodall said, absurd, for this meant that he was charged with treason against himself. He added that Parliament, not the King was the first to open the war and that even if it had been the King, his ministers and not he were responsible for any illegal acts. The motion was defeated by 31 votes to 11. Another motion Goodall debated was “that the opener is not such a fool as he looks”. Goodall opposed this motion and the motion was defeated by 30 votes to 13. On 8th February 1896 and on 16th February 1896 the Society debated the motion “That the Parliamentary franchise should be granted to women”. Goodall attacked the present government and scorned the idea that they would introduce a bill for granting the Parliamentary Suffrage to women. He was horrified at the thought of a lady speaker. On March 28th 1896 G P Goodall spoke in the continuing debate from 14th March “That this House approves of the wise establishment and wise endowment of the Church of England in Wales”, clearly a topical issue. Goodall spoke of taking a religious census, saying that the results would not be a just and fair test. The comparison of the numbers of communicants and the results of the last General Election showed very fairly what the real feeling of the people was. He wished it to be understood that he was not attacking the church but the bond between the church and state. It was an absurdity that out of over 100 sects the nation should recognise any particular one as the National Church. It was unjust that church dignitaries should have the exclusive use of the privileges which they now enjoy. It was another absurdity that the church should be controlled by the Houses of Parliament and the crown. Church benefices could be bought and sold and it is possible for a man of an entirely different religion to own benefices, though he may not appoint persons to them. The election of bishops was merely a sham. The motion was defeated 22 to 16.
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George Percy was the eldest son of George Goodall and Margaret Goodall nee Neale.George Goodall was born in Dudley, Warwickshire, in 1839 and Margaret Neale in Leicestershire (birth registered 1852 J/F/M, Market Bosworth). George and Margaret were married in 1875 (marriage registered A/M/J Market Bosworth) and nine children were recorded on the census between 1881 and 1891; George Percy (birth registered 1879 J/F/M, bap. 9 March 1879), Francis Harrison (birth registered J/F/M 1880, bap. 7 March 1880), Edith Margaret (b. 1881 J/A/S), Charles Henry (b. 1882 O/N/D, bap. 7 January 1883), Gertrude Mary (b. 1884 O/N/D, bap. 26 April 1885), Alice Neale (b. 1886 A/M/J, bap. 18 July 1886), Frances Ellen (birth registered 1888 J/F/M, bap. 29 April 1888), Robert Neale (b. 1889 J/A/S, bap. 20 October 1889), John Frederick (birth registered 1891 J/F/M, bap. 24 May 1891). All the children were born in Nottingham and baptised in the Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Nottingham.In 1881 George (42) and Margaret (29) were living at 22 Baker Street, Nottingham. They had two children, George (2) and Francis (1). Also in the household was Frederick Neale (14), who was probably Margaret's brother. George employed two staff, Sarah Gibson (20) a nurse, and Hannah E Jackson (19) a general servant.By 1891 the family was living at 152 Mansfield Road in the ecclesiastical parish of Carrington St John. George and Margaret now had nine children; George (12), Francis (11), Edith (9), Charles (8), Gertrude (6), Alice (4), Frances (3), Robert (1) and John (2 months). George employed three servants; a cook, Stella Annie Parker (26) and two housemaids Florence Preston (21) and Mary Ann Clarke (17).George's mother, Margaret, died in 1897 aged 45 (death registered A/M/J Basford).In 1901 the widowed George (62), a hosiery manufacturer, was living on Lucknow Avenue, Mapperley Park, Nottingham, with his nine children. His son George was already a solicitor and two other sons, Francis and Charles, were electrical engineers. Also in the household on the night of the census was his nephew, Herbert Goodall (29, b. Macclesfield) who was a coat manufacturer, and two visitors, John Linden (48) and Mary Linden (47). The family had three servants; Lois Turner (28) a cook, and Minnie Turner (23) and Mary Horsley (22) who were both serving maids.The family home was still on Lucknow Avenue in 1911. Only five of George's children were at home on the night of the census; George (32), Gertrude (26), Alice (24), Frances (23) and John (20). There was also a visitor, Norah Mary Hempson (24). George employed three servants; a cook, Mary Horsley (32), and two housemaids, Daisy Jane Spencer (21) and Gertrude Judson (27).George Goodall senior died on 15 March 1917. He worked for I & R Morley becoming a partner in 1894. He was a member of the Council of the Chamber of Commerce and active in social and religious work; he was a local preacher for more than 50 years.Of George's siblings: Francis Harrison served in the war; in 1917 when he was an executor of his father's Will he was serving as a lieutenant in the army.Charles Henry died in 1968 (death registered September, Warminster Wiltshire).There is a record of an Alice Neale Goodall on the Rhineland, Prussia, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1533-1950 (record not accessed).Frances Ellen (30) married Isaac Claude Victor Smith (33), the son of Isaac Smith, at Holy Trinity Brompton (Borough of Kensington & Chelsea) on 18 March 1918.
George Goodall enlisted in the ranks of 10th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters when it was being formed (October 1914). He was commissioned lieutenant in the battalion on 15th December 1914, just a few weeks after his initial enlistment and went with the battalion to France in July 1915. He became the Officer Commanding “A” Company. He was killed in action south-east of the town of Ypres on 14th February 1916. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial.
The Nottingham Guardian reported his death in the following way:“We must regret to announce the death in action of Captain G P Goodall of the 10th Battalion Sherwood Foresters.Captain Goodall joined the proposed Nottingham battalion as a private shortly after the commencement of the war, receiving his commission in a very few weeks and being promoted captain at the end of 1914. He proceeded to France last July and visited Nottingham on leave only two months ago. No other officer was more deservedly popular with his men or more careful of their welfare.Captain Goodall was the eldest son of Mr George Goodall of Lucknow Avenue, for many years head of the Nottingham branch of Messrs I and R Morley, and was educated at the Nottingham High School under Dr Gow. Entering the legal profession he was articled to Captain J A H Green then of the firm of Green and Williams. He passed his final examination with honours, and subsequently joined Mr R H Beaumont in partnership, and on the latter’s recent appointment as District Registrar of the High Court and Registrar of the County Court, succeeded him as clerk to the Bingham Bench of Magistrates and Secretary of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, offices he continued to hold at the time of his death. He was also, for some period, a member of the council of the Nottingham Incorporated Law Society, only resigning when he joined the army. Many societies had the value of his help. For a number of years he was one of the hon. Secretaries of the Nottingham and Notts. Association for the prevention of Consumption [TB], and of the sanatorium at Ratcher’s Hill, connected with it.Captain Goodall joined the army not from any interest in military matters or keenness in athletics or active pursuits. Though a sound man of business, his tastes and habits were more those of the study than of the camp, but he left the congenial career that had opened out before him and took his place in the ranks from a deep feeling of duty and love towards his country. He died in his 38th year.”Tributes were also paid to him, reportedly, in both Nottingham and Bingham courts. In the Guildhall in Nottingham (then the main law courts, now the Galleries of Justice) his death was lamented and the Chairman of the Bench (Mr W B Baggaley) remarked ‘he was a man of great promise and it is very sad that such a life should have been cut off in its prime’.The Bingham Bench was even more effusive on hearing the news of Goodall’s death: His ‘upright character’ and ‘good and useful life’ were praised, as was the way he performed his duties ‘very efficiently’. The acting clerk commented on the feelings of the staff who had worked for Goodall, saying he was ‘a friend, counsellor and guide, always kind, thoughtful and considerate and in every sense a gentleman’. The local police superintendent said the police had lost a good friend and that Goodall ‘was always courteous and ever ready to help and advise’ ... 'Mr RA Young (Nottingham) speaking on behalf of the solicitors, said that their profession knew Captain Goodall as a solicitor of absolutely upright character and great efficiency. His undoubted patriotism had been proved by the action that he took and his commission was won in the best way by a manifestation of his ability, which had he been spared, would have won him equal laurels in civil life.'Transcription of entry in Nottinghamshire Law Society's Roll of Honour: ‘George Percy Goodall. Born in 1878, eldest son of George Goodall JP of Nottingham, educated at the Nottingham High School, articled to Mr JAH Green. (-) honours n his final, practised in partnership with Mr RH Beaumont until Mr Beaumont was appointed District Registrar of the High and County Courts was Clerk to the Bingham Bench, Secretary of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Council of Nottingham Law Society, Honorary Secretary of the Nottingham and Notts Association for the Prevention of Consumption, for the Sanatorium at (-) Hall and a member of many social, agency and charity Committees to which he devoted much of his leisure. War was utterly repugnant and hateful to his kindly and gentle nature, but duty which was a law to him pointed the way, and he left all he had won and embarked on the great adventure. He joined the 10th Sherwood Foresters as a private but received his commission a few weeks later, and was promoted Captain at the end of 1914. He proceeded to France in July 195 and was killed in action on the 16th February 1916 fighting with the courage and resolution which had won him the confidence of his fellow Officers and the devotion of the men he commanded.’Nottingham Evening Post notice (abridged), 19 February 1916: 'GOODALL, killed in action on February 14th, George Percy Goodall, 10th Sherwood Foresters, 37 years, eldest son of Mr George Goodall.'Probate: Goodall George Percy of Lucknow Avenue, Nottingham. Solicitor, Captain in HM Army died 14 February 1916 at Belgium. Probate Nottingham 9 June to John Alfred Henderson Green, solicitor, captain in HM Army. Effects £3,527 12s 10d.Probate: Goodall George [father] of Lucknow-avenue Nottingham JP died 15 March 1917 Probate Nottingham 25 April to Francis Harrison Goodall [son] lieutenant in HM Army William James Gandy barrister-at-law and John Crosby Warren solicitor. Effects £58672 1s. 4d. Resworn December 1917 £58695 5s. 9d.