Thomas Hodgkinson Morris
He was educated at Nottingham High School (1906-1910) and subsequently Felsted School, Essex, where he was a boarder. He was a member of University College Nottingham OTC.
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He was the son of Thomas Morris (d. 28 Aug 1936), a wicker furniture, basketware and pram manufacturer, founder and managing director of Morris, Wilkinson and Co.Ltd. (trademark “Sirrom”) of Victoria Works and Springfield Works, Radford Road, Basford, and Flora Venables Morris (nee Young; d. 1959) of 8 Alexander Street Sherwood Rise, Nottingham and later 'Oakfield', Cyprus Road, Nottingham. He was the brother of Flora Sybil, Philip Owen and Richard Venables Morris. Thomas and Flora had married in the spring of 1895 and in 1901 were living at 8 Alexander Street with their two children, Flora (5, b. 24 Feb. 1896), and Thomas H. (3). Thomas employed a general servant and a nurse. Also in the household were two of his wife's younger siblings, Harry Stuart (23) and Mabel Louise (22), both of whom were single. His wife, Flora, was the third of seven children and in the 1891 census, when she was 16 years old, she was living at 27 Watcombe Circus, Sherwood, with her siblings, Annie (20), Gertrude E (18), Marie C (15), Harry Stuart (13), Mabel Louise (12) and Ethel N (10). Annie was described on the census as the head of the household in which there was also a young domestic servant. (In 1901 Flora and her 6 siblings had been living with their parents, Andrew Young (34) and Annie (36), on Vickers Street, Nottingham.)By 1911 Thomas and Flora Morris were living at Cyprus Road and now had four children with Philip Oliver, born about 1901, and Richard Venables, born 3 July 1910. Thomas employed a sick nurse, two housemaids and a cook. The family home was still Cyprus Road when Thomas' medals were claimed in 1920. Flora Venables Morris died on 27 June 1959; probate was granted to her daughter, Flora Sybil Morris (d. 1984).
Second Lieutenant Thomas Hodgkinson Morris, 2nd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment. He landed in France on 6th May 1915 and was killed in action on 9th August 1915. He is commemorated on the Menin Gate.The 2nd Battalion spent most of the early part of 1915 holding a relatively quiet sector of the front. In July 1915 they were moved to the north west of Ypres where they were involved in attempting to restore the line around Hooge which had been under heavy attacks after the Second Battle of Ypres ended. On 9 August 1915, at 3.15 am, the 6th Division launched an attack along a 1,000 yard front with the 2nd York and Lancasters on the left of the attack, supported by the 1st Buffs. The attack was completely successful with all objectives recaptured. The York and Lancasters were awarded the Battle Honour Hooge 1915 for their part in this battle. The battalion remained in this area for the rest of 1915. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial. His medals were claimed in December 1920; he qualified for the 1915 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
There is a two light memorial window in a side chapel at St Jude's church, Mapperley, which was erected to Thomas by his parents. The design includes the regimental insignia of the York and Lancaster Regiment and depicts St George and St Thomas. The dedication reads: 'To the Glory of God in proud memory of Thomas H Morris 2nd Lieut. 2nd York & Lancaster Regt. Who gave his life for his Country Aug. 9th. 1915. This window is erected by his sorrowing parents.'An article published on 14th August 1915 in the Nottingham Evening Post :- “A NOTTINGHAM OFFICER. “Second-Lieutenant Thomas H. Morris, 3rd York and Lancaster Regiment, who was killed in action on Tuesday, was the eldest son Mr. Thomas Morris, of Oakfield, Cyprus-road, Nottingham, and was only 18 years of age. The deceased officer received his earlier training with the University College Officers’ Training Corps, and had been attached to the 2nd Battalion of his regiment.” a second article published 16th August 1915 in the Nottingham Evening Post :- “HE DIED A SOLDIER’S DEATH. “A YOUNG NOTTINGHAM OFFICER. “Mr. Thomas Morris, of Oakfield, Cyprus-road. Nottingham, whose son Second-Lieutenant T. H. Morris, of the 3rd York and Lancaster Regiment, was killed in action last week, has received a letter from Lieut. J. H. Medye second in command of the deceased’s company, in which the following phrases occur: “I'm writing to tell you that he (Lieut. Morris) died a hero's death. He was hit in the charge made on the 9th [August 1915] while leading his men on. We advanced in two lines, one behind the other, and about fifty yards apart. I was in command of the second line, and Morris was with me.“We had about 150, and was always in the forefront leading on his men. He fell before he could achieve his one thought, to reach the Germans. You can’t say how grieved we all are in the company as he was always so cheery and willing do any little job he was asked to. “He died a soldier's death, and in the most glorious manner.” Above articles are courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918