Charles Mason
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He was the son of William, a butcher, and Helen Mason of Brampton of 16 Cranmer Street Nottingham and the husband of Sarah Jane Mason 112 Old Road, Brampton Chesterfield.
He served with 'A' Company.
During March 1918 Mason’s battalion, 2/6th Sherwood Foresters, was in the front line trenches near Bullecourt. The battalion was to lose 131 men this day defending their lines at Mory L'Abbaye when the German attack swept through their positions.
Initially the War Diary merely stated,
“2 to 10 March 1918 - North Camp, Mory.
Battalion on working parties on Reserve Line Noreuil.
11 to 20 March 1918 - Battalion occupied front line in U.14.
21 March 1918 - Very heavy enemy barrage on front line from 5am to 9.30am. Enemy attacked at 9.30am. Battalion suffered very heavy casualties.
22 to 23 March 1918 - Remainder of battalion withdrawn to Ayette.”
A narrative written later contained the following,
“During the night 20/21st March my patrols were very vigilant but they failed to notice anything unusual in No Man’s Land. At 5am the enemy opened a terrific bombardment with guns of all calibres on to Railway Reserve, and the same time commenced shelling the posts in front of that line with trench mortars. The bombardment was continuous until 9am. Simultaneously with the artillery lifting the enemy infantry came forward. This attack was easily stopped and the enemy driven back to its own trenches.
At 10am my left company in Railway Reserve reported that the enemy was attacking in strong force from the direction of Tank Avenue. I was able to reinforce this part of the line where some extremely bitter fighting took place at close quarters. At 10.30am a force of the enemy moved round my flank and occupied Sidney Avenue, the whole of the Railway Embankment was at this time enfiladed from the south by trench mortars and machine guns. I was suffering very heavy losses and it was not possible to collect men to make a bayonet charge which I had ordered to be made.
The enemy after this by bombing, eventually captured the trenches on the embankment up to the Regimental Aid posts. He had also penetrated on my left. After collecting signallers, runners, servants, Battalion HQ fought (with practically no cover from the rear) until the ammunition was spent, and most of the officers and men were casualties. It was not until we were entirely surrounded that that part of the Railway Embankment near Battalion HQ was taken by the enemy.”
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