Church Drive, West Bridgford, NG2 6AY. The memorial comprises a stained glass window at the east end of the church and a marble tablet with the names of men who died in the Great War. An additional name was added in the 1990s; Lieutenant Robert Christopher Morris ('Kit') Douthwaite, York and Lancaster Regiment, 19 June 1919, Croatia. (Nottinghamshire Archives, Ref DD 1727/16/2, Remembrance Day Service 14 November 1993). The window was made by HW Brays (£650) and the tablet by JH Morcom, Turret Studio, The Newarke, Leicester (£110 16s 7d, including carriage and fixing). Dedication on tablet: 'This tablet and the east window of this church are erected to the revered and honoured memory of our kinsmen who jeopardy their lives unto the death in the Great War 1914-1918 AD. So he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side (names). 1939-1945 (names).' The window was unveiled in November 1919 (ref. West Bridgford Advertiser, 29 November 1919). Nottinghamshire Archives (ref PR21,486) has documents with details of individual contributions and fund raising events toward the memorial. It appears that there was money remaining in the fund to pay for additional furnishings for the church. The Church War Memorial Fund was closed in November 1923.
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
- F Alcoe
- J Anderson
- W T Atkin
- G E Aylett
- E T Barnes
- R S Bates
- A E Beach
- H Beach
- W A Beal
- E G Beal
- H Berry
- T H Bewlay
- C E Blurton
- C E Boaler
- T A Bosworth
- N Bowden
- S Bowden
- J Brash
- E Bretland
- D Brewster
- C C Briddon
- E W Brodbeck
- L W Brown
- C S Bucknall
- A C Bunney
- C L Burton
- C W G Bush
- A Butler
- F Buttress
- D Buxton
- J Chapman
- H Chesham
- C F Clarke
- G A Collier
- P N Cooper
- J Cooper
- J Cooper
- H Cumberland
- C R Dench
- G H Dixon
- J Dixon
- R F Drennan
- G Dye
- S Eaton
- F Edwards
- J V Elderkin
- E Elwick
- E L Flewitt
- P H Forest
- CL Freeman
- W B Freer
- A C Gibson
- C G Gibson
- H F Gilliatt
- C G Gilliatt
- M Given
- H M Gleave
- A E Glover
- H R Gray
- G S Hall
- E Harrison
- J H Hayes
- G H Highfield
- J McL Hine
- S Hobson
- J P Hodgkinson
- D Hopkinson
- J Horne
- W F Howett
- T Howitt
- J R Hunt
- A E Hunt
- J W Hurt
- W Hurt
- C D Hutchinson
- R F Huyton
- H L Jackson
- R W Jones
- P F Keetley
- H Keetley
- H A Keeton
- J N V Kelly
- A C Lacey
- B C Laws
- C W Laws
- L Lee
- J Leeming
- H M Lees
- L A Lendis
- A H Levy
- L Limon
- E T Lister
- A B Littlewood
- J W Lyon
- S W Marwick
- H J Merry
- T H Moore
- J G Morris
- A Moss
- J S Muddeman
- A Oakland
- D G A Oubridge
- F Parks
- A Patrick
- J A Pattrick
- R M Plunkett
- H E Porter
- W A Powell
- S Price
- C G Prosser
- L P Prowse
- A H W Raby
- C E Raynor
- W Rayson
- H Rayson
- H W Redfern
- C J Rickett
- C G Sankey
- J H Scoffield
- E Scoffield
- A D Scott
- T C W Shaw
- H A Shaw
- O E Shepherd
- O S Sheppard
- S L Simpson
- C F Slawson
- H W Slim
- B Smith
- A E Spencer
- J W Squires
- R E P Stimpson
- J Stirland
- A H Strawson
- W R Summers
- M Thompson
- F C Tonkin
- W Towers
- G F Townsend
- A J C Turner
- R S Turner
- J K Turpin
- W H Wade
- W A Wagstaff
- L Walker
- R W Walker
- H V Walters
- L Walton
- C E Wardle
- R Webster
- K V Weston
- M S Weston
- P B Wheatcroft
- E Widdowson
- G W Widdowson
- W B Widdowson
- W H Wildblood
- A R Williams
- W Willoughby
- A B Wood
- L Woodhouse
- A L Worman
- E L Wright
- H G Wright
- P V Yaxley
- S Yealand
- A W Young