Arthur Edward Hunt
1911 - mechanic motor trade
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Arthur was born in Nottingham in 1894 and was the son of George and Lucy Hunt.
In the 1901 census Arthur is 7 years of age and is living at Elm Avenue, West Bridgford with his family.
In the 1911 census the family are living at 9 Elm Tree Avenue, West Bridgford, Nottingham and are shown as :- George Hunt, head, 49; Lucy, wife, 44; Nellie, daur, 23; Rosie, daur, 19; Arthur, son, 16; Elsie, Daur, 14; Charles, son, 11; Bernard, son, 9; Frank, son, 5; George, son, 2.
The Soldiers' Effects Register shows - Hunt, Arthur Edward, 1st Bn Notts and Derby Regt, Lance Corp, 11718: £10-12s-1d - 25/11/1915 to father Geo. and
£5 gratuity to father George.
Army form AFW 5070 (a request for details of surviving blood relatives) was sent to his next of kin in May 1919.
Arthur Edward Hunt enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby) Regiment. It is possible he enlisted as a Special Reservist in 1911 or even joined as a regular.
He went to France with the 1st battalion on 4 November 1914 and they suffered a torrid winter in the line near Neuve Chapelle. The battalion took part in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle - 10 to 13 March 1915. Despite a lack of artillery shells the battle initially went well. at 10 am on the morning of 11th, 'C' company advanced through an orchard on the left of the battalion line and occupied some derelict houses. The battalion was shelled throughout the day and at 4 pm, 'D' company charged the enemy breastworks but suffered heavy casualties from enemy machine guns and had to retire. At some point Arthur was killed.
He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial France.
Soldiers Died in the Great War - Hunt A E, born Nottingham, enlisted Nottingham, abode West Bridgeford Nottingham, 11718, L/Cpl, killed in action, France and Flanders, 11/3/15
Nottingham Evening Post, 26 May 1915: ‘A Missing Sherwood Forester. Among the missing after the Neuve-Chapelle battle was Lance-Corporal AE Hunt 11718, 1st Sherwood Foresters, son of Mr Geo. Hunt, the former 24 hours’ cycle record holder. Mr Hunt has received the following letter from the British Red Cross Society: ‘We have official information from the base at Rouen that he was wounded on March 11th. We think that must have happened was that after the engagement one of his comrades reported him as wounded, and that they were not able to bring him in. The best thing we can hope has happened to him is that he has been taken prisoner. We are sorry we cannot give any definite news about this.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)