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Annesley - All Saints Church

All Saints Church, Annesley Cutting, Annesley, Nottinghamshire. Alabater tablet dedication: 'To the glory of God in proud and grateful remembrance of all those men of Annesley who fought in the Great War 1914-1918. Especially remembering those who passed out of the sight of men by the path of duty and self sacrifice. "These are they which have come through great tribulation"'. Faculty 14 November 1928 for 'placing on the wall in the south-east corner of the parish church a memorial tablet of alabaster.' (Nottinghamshire Archives ref PR2847.) Report in Southwell Diocesan magazine Vol 1 (NS) November 1928, No 11: 'Bulwell Deanery. A tablet to the memory of the men of the Parish who served in the Great War has been placed in the Parish Church of Annesley. The tablet was unveiled by Lt Col AJN Chaworth-Musters DSO, of Annesley Hall, and dedicated by the vicar at a service held on Sunday, Sept 23rd [1928]. The Rev SM Wheeler, Rector of Bulwell, Hon Chaplain to the Forces, preached the sermon. There was a crowded Church. The tablet measures 3 feet by 2 feet. It has a base of alabaster, with a deep border of oak leaves and acorns in green and gold. There is also a decoration of coloured glass work in the corner. The inscription reads: “To the Glory of God. In proud and grateful remembrance of all those men of Annesley who fought in the Great War, 1914-1918. Especially remembering those who passed out of the sight of man by the path of duty and self-sacrifice. Those are they which have come through great tribulation.'

Identified casualties 18 people