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Nottingham (Hyson Green) - St Stephen's Church

St Stephen's Church, Bobbers Mill Road, Hyson Green, Nottingham. After considering various proposals for a parish war memorial the PCC agreed in 1922 that the memorial would take the form of wooden casing for the new organ. No progress had been made by 1926 when the vicar arranged for the construction of the wooden panels on which were inscribed the names of the men from the parish who had died in the war. Dedication: 'The organ is gratefully erected to the Glory of God and to the abiding memory of the men from this parish of St Stephen, Nottingham, who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1918.' A Book of Remembrance containing the names of those who served was compiled and is kept in a cabinet with a Book of Remembrance to those who died in the Second World War. The Great War Book of Remembrance was designed and illuminated by Carrie V Neal; the names of those who died were inscribed in red ink (WMA38812). There is also a part-handwritten, part-typed roll of honour in the church (WMA38811). The ROH recorded the names and addresses of those on active service which were then annotated to indicate those who had died or been killed in action. The ROH is in a poor condition with many of the entries now illegible. The parish of St Stephen's was amalgamated with St Paul's Hyson Green in 1987 and St Paul's closed in 1994.

Identified casualties 160 people
Names on this memorial