Joseph William Robinson Graham
He was a dairyman
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Joseph was the eldest son of Joseph William and Julia Graham.
Joseph William was born in Great Gonerby, Lincolnshire, in about 1866, and his wife Julia Chambers in Watnall, Nottinghamshire. They were married in 1890 (J/A/S Nottingham) and had three sons: Joseph William Robinson birth registered 1893 J/F/M Nottingham, Sydney Claude b. 1894 (J/A/S Nottingham) and Cecil Stanley, birth registered 1896 J/F/M Nottingham, who died aged one year in 1897 (J/A/S Nottingham). All three boys were born in Bobbers Mill, Nottingham.
In 1891 Joseph (26) and Julia (28) were living at 1 Mosely's Building, Radford. Joseph was described as a 'cow keeper' but probate in 1899 gave his occupation as dairyman. Also in the household were two boarders, George Hunt (17) and Thomas Heighton (18) who were both servants.
Two years later Joseph and Julia's first son, Joseph, was born followed by Sydney and Cecil who died in infancy. Their father died aged 33 in 1899 (O/N/D Nottingham) leaving his widow with two young sons. At the time of his death the family was living at 149 Noel Street, Nottingham.
By 1901 Julia (48), who was running a dairy business, was living at 256 Radford Road, Nottingham, with her sons Joseph (8) and Sydney (6).
Julia had moved to 428 Berridge Road, Hyson Green, by 1911. Both sons were still living at home; Joseph (18) was a dairyman and probably helping his mother in the business, while Sydney (16) was a grocer's assistant.
Sydney died following an operation for appendicitis on 30 March 1916; he was 21 years old. He was interred in the churchyard of Old Radford Church.
Joseph was killed just over two years later in September 1918. Julia survived her son by only a year, dying on 2 September 1919.
Joseph was killed in action at Cambrai and was buried in Targelle Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain (grave ref A.5).
Family headstone in Radford (St Peter) churchyard (now St Peter's Park): 'In loving memory of my only surviving son, Joseph W Graham, who fell in action at Cambrai, Sept 29th 1918, aged 25 years. Supreme sacrifice. Also of Julia, widow of JW Graham, loving mother of the above and Sydney Claude Graham who died Sept 2nd 1919'
Registers of Soldiers' Effects: His mother, Julia, was his legatee.
Probate: Graham Joseph William of 149 Noel-street Nottingham dairyman died 21 October 1899 Probate Nottingham 31 October [1899] to Julia Graham widow effects £195.
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Deaths’, 1 April 1916: ‘Graham. On March 30th, following an operation for appendicitis, Sydney Claud, second son of the late Joseph W. and Julia Graham, of 428 Berridge-road, aged 21 years. Interment Old Radford Church, Tuesday, at 3 o’clock.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Acknowledgements, 7 April 1916: ‘Mrs Graham and Son wish to thank all friends for kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent bereavement; also for floral tributes.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Deaths’, Thursday 4 September 1919: ‘Graham. On the 2nd inst., at 428 Berridge-road, Julia, widow of the late JWR Graham, and loving mother of the late William and Claude Graham.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘In Memoriam’, 29 September 1919: ‘Graham. In loving memory of Pte. JW Graham, HLI, killed in action Sept. 29th, 1918. Cherished memories. Jenny’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Probate: Graham Julia of 428 Berridge-road Nottingham widow died 2 September 1919 Probate Nottingham 22 October [1919] to James Henry Lanchbury corn merchant. Effects £171 10s.
Nottingham Evening Post, 18 September 1918: ‘Sale by Auction. By Messrs F Haylock and Son. Sale at short notice, 428 Berridge Road West, off Radford Road, Nottingham. Friday September 19th 1919. Messrs F Haylock & Son have received instructions form the Exors. of the late Mrs J Graham, deceased, to sell by auction, upon the premises, the whole of the household furniture and effects including … Sale to commence at eleven o’clock,prompt. On view morning of sale Auctioneer’s offices, 19 Trinity-square, Nottingham.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)