Nottingham - Nottingham and District Post Office Staffs
Formerly located in Queen Street Post Office, Queen Street, Nottingham, NG1 2BN. The memorial was originally on the wall on the left hand side of the entrance to the Post Office but later re-installed on the right hand side. Brass tablet, dedication: 'To the Glory of God and in ever grateful memory of the men of the Nottingham and District Post Office Staffs who fought for God and right in the Great War 1914-1918. The names of those who gave their lives are recorded below (names). Further information see: The Post Office closed in May 2019 and the memorial is believed to have been transferred to the Postal Museum, London.
Identified casualties
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
Names on this memorial
- FR Adkin
- W Alvey
- W Aram
- AP Ash
- WT Bailey
- SH Barton
- C Beastall
- GRG Beddow
- S Bird
- F Bonnett
- H Bradley
- L Buckley
- J Clare
- FH Clay
- HW Colton
- W Dryer
- AE Ellis
- RD Evans
- SH Fewster
- W Fisher
- WH Gilbertson
- J Hart
- H Haslam
- HM Hawkins
- E Hutchinson
- J Hutton
- E Jackson
- L Jones
- P Kearns
- SCJ Kite
- C Lane
- F Ledger
- GA Lenglet
- T Lowe
- JH Marshall
- TC Miller
- W Miller
- CV Mills
- E Oakland
- EE Parrott
- WA Pegram
- FB Perkins
- JC Perry
- T Richards
- E Richardson
- C Riley
- GF Rose
- JEG Scrivener
- JT Sharpe
- WA Sharpe
- CE Shepperd
- HE Smith
- JRH Snow
- W Spinks
- AH Stagg
- T Stevenson
- F Sturdy
- AE Turton
- H Walker
- H Woollands