John Henry Marshall
Service number
Military unit
King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Date of birth
Date of death
09 Oct 1917 (24 years old)
Place of birth
Sherwood Nottingham
Employment, education or hobbies
He worked as a postman.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Family history
He was the only son of Henry and Elizabeth Marshall of 37 St Albans Street, Sherwood, Nottingham.
Military history
He is buried in Tyne Cot cemetery (grave ref. XIV.F.20)
Extra information
Nottingham Evening Post, Saturday 3 November 1917: ‘MARSHALL. Killed in action, October 9th, Private JH Marshall, KOYLI, the only son of Henry and Elizabeth Marshall, 37, St Albans-street, Sherwood (late postman). Deeply mourned by all.’
No photos