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Arnold - Arnold and Daybrook

Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham. Celtic wheel cross on tapering plinth and two stepped base. The memorial was renovated, two overhanging trees removed and the landscaping improved c2014. Records of the war memorial committee are held in Nottinghamshire Archives, together with other documents including brief histories of men from Arnold who died in the war and details of widows (Nottinghamshire Archives ref DC/A/1/26 and DC/A/1/26/1-26/7). There is photographic evidence c1925 of rolls of honour boards outside the main entrance to the Carnegie Library at the corner of Nottingham Road/Arnot Hill Road, Arnold. The library, built in 1906, was demolished in 1981 and is now the site of a Wilkinson's store. ('Arnold and Bestwood in old photographs', collected by ME Spick. Alan Sutton Publishing/NCC Leisure Services, ISBN 0 862 99954 5)

Identified casualties 252 people
Names on this memorial