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This data is related to World War 1

Henry Fish

Service number 27538
Military unit 1st Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 30 Aug 1918 (Age unknown)
Place of birth Arnold
Employment, education or hobbies

He was employed as a baker

Family history

Henry was born at Arnold in 1893, he was the son Henry and Annie Fish of 55 High Street, Arnold. Henry was born in 1864 in Arnold and worked as a baker whilst Annie had been born in Manchester. Henry had 3 brothers, John born 1892, Arthur born 1899 and Wilfred born 1900 and 2 sisters Dorothy born 1904 and Hilda born 1908 In the 1911 census the family are shown as living on High Street and at this time Henry is shown as a bread delivery man in his fathers bakery .

Military history

He enlisted in February 1916 in Arnold into the Sherwood Foresters Regiment and went to Ireland during the Irish rebellion .He later went to France where he was gassed and returned home to recover. At some time he was transferred to the 1st Battalion the Royal Warwickshire regiment as a reinforcement to them. Having been wounded serving with the Foresters, on release he may have been posted to whichever battalion needed reinforcements the most, in this case the 1st Royal Warwickshire Battalion. He was killed in action on 30th August 1918 when his battalion made an attack on the Drocourt-Queant Line. He is buried at Vis-En-Artois British Cemetery, Haucourt, France

Extra information

In memoriam published 30th August 1919 in the Nottingham Evening Post :-

“FISH. – In loving memory of our dear son, Pte. Henry Fish, of Arnold, 1st Royal Warwicks, killed in action in France August 30th, 1918. A loss too great to be forgotten. – Father, mother, brothers and sisters.”

Above is courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918
