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This data is related to World War 1

Ernest Ward

Service number 251562
Military unit 5/6th Bn Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment)
Address The Firs, Lambley,Nottinghamshire
Date of birth
Date of death 05 Mar 1917 (20 years old)
Place of birth Lambley
Employment, education or hobbies

In the 1911 census he was a gardeners improver, and was employed as a baker upon enlistment

Family history

Ernest Ward was born on 24th December 1897 at Lambley and was the son of Thomas Hodgkinson and Martha Alice Ward née Scothern of 121 Nottingham Road, Daybrook, Nottingham.

His father Thomas Hodgkinson was born in 1868 at Wellow and his mother Martha Alice Scothern was born in 1871 at Lambley they were married on 11th April 1894 at Holy Trinity Church, Lambley they went on to have the following children all of whom were born in Lambley, George Henry b1895, Ernest b1895, Alice Mary b1899 and Walter Wdward b1905.

In the 1911 census the family lived at The Firs Cottages, Lambley and were shown as Thomas Ward 43 yrs a stationary engine driver, he is living with his wife Martha Alice 40 yrs and their children, George Henry 16 yrs a gardener improver, Ernest 14 yrs a gardeners improver, Alice Mary 12 yrs a scholar and Walter Edward 6 yrs

Military history

Private Ernest Ward attested at Nottingham on 9th February 1914 giving his address of The Firs, Lambley and his age as 19 yrs and 5 months he stated his occupation was that of a baker, he was posted to the reserves the following day. He was mobilised for war on 27th April 1916 at Derby and on 3rd July 1917 he landed in Boulogne, France and went to Etaples camp. Posted to 5/6th battalion Royal Scots he was posted into the field on 5th January 1917.
By 23rd February 1917, the Germans had begun to withdraw to their newly-built defences on the Hindenburg line, some 20 miles behind the existing front which stretched from Arras to Soissons. The area between the old German front line and the new German positions were laid waste, the Germans destroyed towns, villages and lines of communications, they cut down forests and poisoned water supplies and by 5th April they had completed the move to their new positions. It was during this enemy withdrawal, which involved much fighting prolonged by the persistent and strong rearguard actions of the Germans, involving much enemy artillery fire, that Ernest was killed in action. Having no known grave his name is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France

Extra information

Nottingham Evening Post 2nd April 1917:

'WARD. – Killed in action, March 5th, Rifleman Ernest Ward, Royal Scots, aged 20, dearly-loved second son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ward, Daybrook (late of Lambley). We never knew what pain he had, we never saw him die, we only know he passed away without a last good-bye. No loved one stood beside his grave to wish a last farewell. – From his sorrowing father, mother, sister, brother, and brother George (in France).'

'WARD. – Killed in action, March 5th, 1917, Rifleman Ernest Ward, of the Royal Scots. He sleeps not in his native land, but 'neath some foreign skies, far from those who loved him best, but in a hero's grave he lies. – From his sorrowing fiancée, Maggie.'

'WARD. – Killed in action, March 5th, Rifleman E. Ward, Royal Scots. A bitter blow, a shock severe, to part with one we loved most dear. – Mr. and Mrs. J. Coupe.'

Nottingham Evening Post 5th March 1918:

'WARD. – In loving memory of our dear son, Ernest, killed in action March 5th, 1917, late of Lambley. Sleep on, dear son, in a hero's grave, a grave we may never see, but as long as life and memory last we will remember thee. – Mother, father, and family.'

Obituaries courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918


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