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Nottingham - Halifax Place Wesleyan Chapel

The memorial comprises two boards, surnames A-H and H-W, with the inscription 'Roll of Sacrifice 1914-1918. Halifax Place'. The original chapel was opened in 1798 and demolished in 1847 to enable a larger chapel to be built on the site. The chapel closed in 1930 after a final service on 29 June and was demolished in 1966. The majority of the chapel's congregation transferred to Broad Street Wesleyan Chapel and the memorial was transferred to Broad Street. Broad Street Wesleyan Chapel closed in 1954 and the memorial was transferred to the Nottingham Central Methodist Mission on Lower Parliament Street, Nottingham. The memorial was photographed in the basement of the church where it had been stored. Photographs of the chapel are on Picture the Past website: ref NTGM010655 (August 1964) and NTGM010657/NGTM010658 (c1850s)

Identified casualties 40 people