John William Cosgrove
In 1911 he was an assistant at Boots factory (fancy goods).
- Family History
- Military history
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John William's birth was registered in J/F/M 1894. He was the son of John Patrick Cosgrove and Caroline Hannah Cosgrove nee Albiston.
Both his parents were born in Nottingham, John Patrick in 1871 and Caroline in 1870. They were married in 1892 (marriage registered J/A/S Nottingham) and according to the information provided on the 1911 Census they had six children of whom only four were still living at the time of the census. Five children were named on the 1901 and 1911 Census: Lilian (b. 1892 O/N/D), John William, James (b. 1897 O/N/D, death registered 1903 J/F/M), Kathleen (b. 4 April 1904), Mary Winifred (birth registered 1910 J/F/M). All the children were born in Nottingham.
In 1901 John Patrick (30), a railway porter, and Caroline (30) were living at 7 Island Street, Nottingham, with their three children, Lilian (8), John William (7) and James (3). Sadly, their youngest child, James, died a few years later aged 5.
By 1911 John and Caroline were living at 43 Island Street, with their four surviving children; Lilian (19) a lace dresser, John William (18) who worked for Boots, Kathleen (8) and Mary Winifred (1).
John's father died on 23 December 1925, the family home was at 4 Eugene Street, Meadows, Nottingham. His mother died ten years later on 28 February 1935 aged 64.
Of John William's sisters, Lilian married George Wilkinson and Kathleen married (Whitby) and died in 1973 aged 69 (death registered September, Nottingham).
Early regimental number: 1456. He served in France from 25 February 1915 and was killed in action on the attack on Gommercourt, France. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. He qualified for the 1915 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
Boots ‘Comrades in Khaki’, April 1915: Letters from the lads, ‘Pte (sic) J Cosgrove who speaks in moving terms of the delight of receiving letters, says ‘I dare say you would like to know that we have been in the trenches, but the only thing that happened to me was a chipped bayonet – it was jolly close though.’
Probate: John Patrick Cosgrove of 4 Eugene-street Nottingham died 23 December 1925 Administration Nottingham 31 March to Caroline Hannah Cosgrove widow and Lilian Wilkinson (wife of George Wilkinson). Effects £229 4s. 11d.
Probate: Cosgrove Caroline Hannah of 4 Eugene-street Nottingham widow died 28 February 1935 Probate Nottingham 14 March to Harriet Ann Allen (wife of Joseph Hardy Allen). Effects £235 4s. 11d.
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