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Walkeringham - St Mary Magdalene Church

St Mary Magdalene, Gringley Road, Walkeringham DN10 4HZ. Bronze plaque, 'In sacred memory of the following men of Walkeringham who gave their lives for King and Country in the Great War 1914-1918.'

Nottinghamshire Archives, ref PR 25,538, Walkeringham St Mary, ‘Gorham’s Diary’: This document is described as containing information that is not included in other church documents such as PCC minutes. It has been completed in manuscript and covers a lengthy period up to the 1980s. There are few entries relating to the Great War until 1918 when there are details of memorial services for those who fell and also of a thanksgiving service on the signing of the Armistice. The dates of the memorial services and other relevant information has been added to the individual records of those commemorated on the parish war memorial.

Identified casualties 26 people