Cyril Ivan Swift
He attended King Edward Iv Grammar School, Retford and was a draper when he enlisted.
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Cyril was born in 1900 the son of John Thomas Swift a draper and Hettie Bateman Swift (née Cash). In 1901 and 1911, the family lived at 'Ash Lea' on London Road.
Cyril Ivan Swift, 7th London Regiment (posted from the Middlesex Regiment), fell in action near Albert, on August 8th 1918 when nearly the whole of his unit became casualties under fierce, concentrated machine gun fire. On reaching the age of 18 he joined the Air Force as a Cadet, and trained for some time at Hastings, but although graded as A1 he failed to pass the final physical test as a flying officer and was sent to a London infantry regiment (7th). After training he left for France on July 17th less than a month before he was killed.
He is buried in a plot containing 76 other soldiers who were killed in retaking the cemetery from Germans having lost the ground to the enemy in the Spring Offensive of 1918.
Retford Soldiers Killed Retford Times 30th Aug1918
‘Pte Cyril Ivan Swift
Mr J T Swift, London Road, has received official information that his eldest son, Pte Cyril Ivan Swift, London Regiment, was killed in actionon August 8th. The gallant young hero would have been 19 years old tomorrow (Saturday) if he had lived. Before joining up in September last year he was an apprentice at Messrs Fletcher and sons, and had been in France a month. He was a bright and promising youth and much sympathy is felt with his parents in their great sorrow.’
He is buried in Dive Copse British Cemetery, Sally-Le-Sec.
Retfordian, In Memoriam:
'Cyril ivan Swift, 7th London Regiment, fell in action near Albert on August 8th, when nearly the whole of his unit became casualties under fierce concentrated machine gun fire. on reaching the age of 18 he joined the Air Force as a cadet , and trained for some time at Hastings, but although graded as A1, he failed to pass his final physical test as a flying officer, and was sent to a London infantry Regiment. After his course of training at Blandford, he left for France, on July 17th less than a month before he was killed. he was a boy of high principle and was greatly beloved by all who knew him.'
Information on Cyril Swift has been provided by Alan Laurie