This memorial was moved to St John the Evangelist Church, Carrington, Nottingham when Forman's printing works on Hucknall Road closed in 1998. A brass plaque alongside the memorial reads, 'This memorial is dedicated to the employees of Thomas Forman Ltd of Hucknall Road, who gave their lives for their country. It was moved to this church after the closure of the printing works in December 1998.' In 2015 the Nottingham Civic Society with The Forman Society arranged to erect a plaque on the facade of the former printing works (now the premises of the Indian Community Centre Association): 'Thos Forman & Sons Ltd. This building is the facade of the first purpose built printing factory in the country which was opened in 1926 and closed in 2000. At its climax the Company employed over 1,000 people. The original site, which included sporting facilities, covered over 20 acres.'
Photo and research by Rachel Farrand
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs
- T Adams
- W Beardsley
- JE Bell
- JE Bonser
- LV Chapman
- F Clarke
- J Cowpertwait
- A Cox
- JA Cripwell
- FW Dable
- C Dalton
- G Duke
- LV England
- F Etcher
- S Freeman
- AE Griffin
- SE Hardy
- H Hebditch
- F Henley
- CFW Highman
- HC Hill
- A Hull
- JH Lakin
- GW Leadbeater
- H Martin
- FH Mottershaw
- GS Ogelsby
- HG Parkes
- EA Parr
- A Perry
- W Russell
- CH Scott
- CM Shepherd
- WE Sims
- H Sindley
- FW Smith
- GA Sutherland
- H Taylor
- EW Thornton
- B Truman
- J Wardle
- EH Young