The congregation was founded in 1866 and initially worshipped in the schoolroom of Park Row Chapel. In 1870 the congregation moved to the newly-built St Andrew’s Church in Belgrave Square (now Goldsmith Street) in Nottingham. St Andrew’s joined the United Reformed Church in 1972 and merged with Castle Gate Congregational Church in 1975 using the Goldsmith Street church. The church is now known as St Andrew with Castle Gate United Reformed Church. The memorial to the members of the Presbyterian congregation who died in the Great War is a three light stained glass window. The centre light has a border of the national emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland surrounding the image of a warrior protecting two small children beneath which is the dedication, 'In affectionate remembrance of the young men of this church who made the supreme sacrifice 1914-1918.' The two lights either side list the names of the 13 men who died (surnames A-S and T-W). The regimental badge and date of death are given with each name. The names of three men who died in the Second World War have been added to the light with the surnames T-W.
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs