Francis George Wallace
Attended Mundella School, Meadows, Nottingham.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Frank was the son of Mary Wallace of 2 Argyle Terrace Shakespeare Street Nottingham and the late James Wallace (CWGC). He had a younger sister, Mollie Kenia ('May' on the 1901 Census), who was also born in Kikuyu, East Africa. On the census returns the children are described as 'British by parentage' and their place of birth given as British East Africa Cape Colony. In 1901 Mary Wallace (Mary Sinclair nee Griffin, b. 6 April 1869), who was described as 'married' on the census, and her two children aged 4 and 2, were living at 8 Chaucer Street Nottingham, in the household of her brother, Thomas Griffin (38). Their brother George (25) and sister Margaret (23) were also living in the house. Mary and her siblings had been born in Crossmichael, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, where their father was a farmer. By the time of the 1911 census Mary (40), described as a widow, was a boarding house keeper at 21 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham. Both children were still living with her and she had two boarders one of whom was her brother, George Griffin (34, single), who was described as a boarder and not a relative. George was a draper 'on his own account'.
Frank's first names, 'Francis George', only seem to have been used on the CWGC debt of honour; he is named as 'Wallace FG' on the Helles Memorial (JM).
Private Frank Wallace was probably wounded on 11th November 1915 when the battalion moved up to the front line in the Lone Tree Gully sector. He died of his wounds on board a hospital ship and was buried at sea. He is commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.