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Ruddington Community - World War 2

The Southwell and Nottingham Church History Project refers to this memorial as 'a free standing cross outside the curtilage of the church. To the east of the church in its own grounds and fronting Church Street is the Ruddington War Memorial, slightly elevated on a series of shallow steps and surmounted with a cross. This column records in Roman lettering ninety names of those who died in both World Wars and one from the war in Korea, and as listed on the war memorials inside St Peter’s. (There are eighty seven names on the memorials inside the church - the names Ernest Barnes and Arthur Page (First World War) and George Beith (Korean War) while honoured as having served, do not appear on the memorials inside.) The memorial was unveiled on 19 May 1923 by the Duke of Portland and the Rev H T Hayman, and sponsored by public subscription. The architect was Colonel Arthur Brewill DSO VD TD and Mr Sutton, the local butcher, provided the site. Its maintenance is the responsibility of Ruddington Parish Council and the Royal British Legion.'

Research Rachel Farrand

Identified casualties 28 people

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