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Sutton in Ashfield, Teversal - St Katherine's Church

St Katherine's Church, Buttery Lane, Teversal NG17 3JN. Dedication: 'To the glory of God and in memory of (names). The above named men gave their lives for their King and Country in the Great War 1914-1919.' The memorial was unveiled by Lady Carnarvon on 18 July 1920 and dedicated by the rector, Rev GE Eaton. A report of the service was published in the Mansfield Reporter on 23 July 1920 and also in the Mansfield Advertiser on 23 July 1920: ‘A marble tablet erected by public subscription at Teversal Parish Church was unveiled by Lady Carnarvon, and dedicated by the Revd G E Eaton (Rector) on Sunday evening in the presence of a large assembly, including discharged soldiers and the relatives of the men.’ The histories of the First and Second World War memorials and the men commemorated on them have been researched by members of the congregation who compiled a booklet, 'Remembered Men of Teversal, 1914-19, 1939-45' (published 2011).

Identified casualties 5 people