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This data is related to World War 2

John George Brister (58)

Service Number N/A
Military Unit Co-op Bakery Meadow Lane Nottingham 9/5/1941
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Nottingham (21/9/1882)
Employment, Education or Hobbies He was a journeyman baker in 1939.
Family History

John George Brister was the son of Joseph G and Mary A Brister and the brother of Thomas R and Isabella Brister. By 1891, they were living at 213, Willingham Street, Clee with Weelsby, Caistor, Lincolnshire. In 1907, John married Eliza Ellen Lyman at Nottingham and they had three children - Doris, Harold V and Donald A Brister. Boarding at Ripley with the Mills family, John worked for Bowman’s Bakers in 1921. The family address at the time of John’s death was 32, Stratford Road, West Bridgford.

Military History


Extra Information

Grave Reference: Wilford Hill: T31/69B Buried May 12th 1941


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