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This data is related to World War 2

Arthur Denman (10)

Service Number N/A
Military Unit Communal Shelter Dakeyne Street Sneinton 9/5/1941
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies Unknown
Family History

George (b.1903) and Harold (b.1907) Denman were brothers who grew up together at 75, Henry Street, Sneinton, Nottingham. When Harold married Gladys May Morris in 1927, he continued to occupy this house along with his wife and, in due course, their sons Harold and Arthur. George married Ada May Rippon in 1926 and the couple moved in to 68, Henry Street and had two children Kenneth George and Sheila Mavis.

Military History

The Dakeyne Street Communal Shelter was located under Black’s lace factory at the junction of Dakeyne Street and Carlton Road, Sneinton, Nottingham. During the raid of May 9th 1941, the shelter sustained a direct hit which killed twenty two people, fifteen of them children. Gladys May and Ada May Denman along with all four children died at the Dakeyne Street shelter. They were all laid to rest in the same grave at Wilford Hill six days later on May 15th. It is not known whether George and Harold senior had lucky escapes or were not in the shelter during the raid which destroyed their families.

Extra Information

Grave Reference: Wilford Hill: J33/40 Buried 15/5/1941


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