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This data is related to World War 1

Arthur Gumley

Service Number 5641
Military Unit 1/4th Bn Leicestershire Regiment
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death 11 Jun 1915 (23 Years Old)
Place of Birth Leicester
Employment, Education or Hobbies He was a rubber factory stock room assistant in 1911.
Family History

Arthur was the son of Arthur a shoe laster by trade and Pansy Gumley and the husband Of Eva Gumley (née Dobson ) Of 105 Thrumpton Lane, Retford Nottingham. In 1911 Arthur lived with his parents and six siblings at 6 Joyce Road New Park Leicester.

Military History

His obituary dated 18th June 1915 in the Retford Times reads ; - Lance Corporal Gumley - Deepest sympathy is felt with Mrs Eva Gumley of 105 Thrumpton Lane Retford in the loss of her husband, Lance Corporal Gumley of the 4th Leicester Regiment, who has died from wounds received in the trenches on May 24th. Mrs Gumley received the following letter from the lady superintendent of the hospital at Wimereux near Boulogne :- I hope that my letter of yesterday may have in some measure prepared you to hear that after I wrote yesterday morning your poor husband got rapidly worse, all yesterday and last night , until he died very easily and quietly at ten minutes to eight this morning. We are all so distressed by his death. He was getting on so well and we had every hope that he would be able to go home. As so often happens in these cases of head injuries, he got inflammation of the brain and became quite unconscious and quite rapidly got worse and worse until his end came. We are sure he did not suffer at all at the last. He will be buried tomorrow in the cemetery here at Wimereux. It is a very pretty place on a hillside. I send you a picture of it, as you will wish to see where your poor husband is buried. With deep sympathy in your great loss. Lance Corporal Gumley who was 24 years of age, was formerly a commercial traveller for Messrs Joseph Crosfield of Carrington, and enlisted soon after the outbreak of the war . The poignancy of his death is intensified by the fact that he was married only three months ago at Bishops Stortford to a daughter of Mr & Mrs Alfred Dobson, Thrumpton Lane. Mrs Gumley has two brothers and a brother in law serving with the 8th Sherwood Foresters (T.F)

Extra Information

He is buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery


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