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This data is related to World War 1

Edward Henry Noble Cordeux

Service Number Unknown
Military Unit 1/7th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death 01 Oct 1915 (19 Years Old)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies Unknown
Family History

Son of Robert Henry and Ethel Cordeux of Bunny Park, Nottingham. Robert Henry was a former surgeon captain in the Robin Hood Rifles; he was born 16/4/1864 and died 16/8/1915.

Military History

Hedge Row Trench Cemetery (Sp Mem G8). Inscription on headstone: 'Numbered among the children of God. Wisdom of Solomon IV'

Extra Information

Bunny Church: Memorial on church organ was rebuilt and enlarged in 1916 'in loving memory of Robert Henry age 51 died 18.8.1915 and his only son Edward Henry Noble Lieut 7th Sherwood Foresters who fell in action near Ypres 30.9.1915 age 19.' Nottinghamshire Archives: Acc 7978 Location T007D, miscellaneous papers of Rev H Gifford Oyston, minister Albert Hall Nottingham Central Methodist Mission. Documents relating to Lt Pyatt, adjutant 7th Bn SF, mentions an account in the Nottingham Guardian, 17/10/1915, of the attack on the Hohenzollern Redoubt in which the death earlier of Lt Cordeux is referred to. Family headstone, Nottingham Church (Rock) Cemetery: '(Robert Henry Cordeux) and his only son Edward Henry Noble Cordeux, Lieutenant 7th Sherwood Foresters (Robin Hoods), killed in action near Ypres September 3rd 1915 age 19.' Article published 21st August 1915 in the Nottingham Evening Post :- Lieutenant Edward Henry Noble Cordeux, 1/7th Battalion Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire Regiment (Robin Hood Rifles), attended his father's funeral on 21st August 1915. He did not long outlive him, being killed in action 1st October 1915. “LATE DR. CORDEUX. “FUNERAL IN THE CHURCH CEMETERY. “The interment of the remains of Dr. Robert Henry Cordeux, of Bunny Park, who died on Wednesday, took piece in the Church Cemetery, Nottingham, this afternoon. The courtege left Bunny Hall about half-pest twelve, and proceeded by road the whole distance — eight miles. The officiating clergy were the Rev. R. Hargreaves, rector of West Bridgford, and the Rev. S. G. O. Anderson, vicar of Bunny, the latter of whom pronounced the committal sentences the graveside. The principal mourners were Mrs. [Ethel] Cordeux (widow), Mrs. Robinson, and the Misses Kathleen, Irene, Molly, and Peggy Cordeux (daughters), Lieut. Edward Cordeux, Robin Hood Rifles (son), Mesdames Noble, E. J. Noble, Wilson, and Moysey, Dr. Moysey, Messrs. E. J. Noble and W. Wilson. Other mourner* present included Drs. J. H. Thompson, J. H. Johnston. W. Hunter, J. M. Hunter (Ruddington), G. A. Coulby, and J. F. Blurton, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Windley, Mrs. Brewill, Captain L. C. Brewill (Robin Hood Rifles), Messrs. A. W. Hickling (Adbolton), T. V. Woodhouse (West Bridgford), H. N. Barclay, A. T. Wallis, W. Preston, and W. Knight. Mr. R. Granger (commandant), and other members of the platoon of the Standard-hill Company of the Citizen Army, with which Dr. Cordeux was identified, were also present.” Above article is courtesy of Jim Grudy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918


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