John Royston Forder
On the 1939 Register John is shown has living with his parents and working has a clerk textiles/cotton. Worked for William Hollins & Co.
Notts Archievs: DD2091/4/2: J R Forder, RAF, Accounts Dept.
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Parents were Harry Austin and Stella Maud Forder of 91 Gordon Road, West Bridgeford.
He had an older brother Patrick Stewart born in late 1919 and a younger sister, Stella, born in 1926.
Harry and Stella married in late 1919 and in 1921 Stella was still living with her parents whilts Harry boarded out.
IBCC: Handley Page Halifax III, serial No LV798 marking EY-A
Wireless operative/air gunner.
Took off from Breighton on 15th February 1944 at 17:15. Whilst over the target the undercarriage fell down and could not be retracted. The extra drag led to excessive fuel comsumption and as a result they used too much fuel. They ran out of fuel 17 miles off Flamborough Head. The crew bailed out but they all perished.
They were part of a 891 aircraft raid over Berlin.
Remembered on the Runnymede Memorial.
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