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This data is related to World War 2

John Royston Forder

Service number 1198516
Military unit 78 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Address 91 Gordon Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham.
Date of birth
Date of death 16 Feb 1944 (22 years old)
Place of birth West Bridgford, Nottingham.
Employment, education or hobbies

On the 1939 Register John is shown has living with his parents and working has a clerk textiles/cotton. Worked for William Hollins & Co.
Notts Archievs: DD2091/4/2: J R Forder, RAF, Accounts Dept.

Family history

Parents were Harry Austin and Stella Maud Forder of 91 Gordon Road, West Bridgeford.
He had an older brother Patrick Stewart born in late 1919 and a younger sister, Stella, born in 1926.
Harry and Stella married in late 1919 and in 1921 Stella was still living with her parents whilts Harry boarded out.

Military history

IBCC: Handley Page Halifax III, serial No LV798 marking EY-A
Wireless operative/air gunner.
Took off from Breighton on 15th February 1944 at 17:15. Whilst over the target the undercarriage fell down and could not be retracted. The extra drag led to excessive fuel comsumption and as a result they used too much fuel. They ran out of fuel 17 miles off Flamborough Head. The crew bailed out but they all perished.
They were part of a 891 aircraft raid over Berlin.

Extra information

Remembered on the Runnymede Memorial.


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