Percy William Doe
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- Military history
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Percy was born in 1897 in Retford and was the son of George William Doe, a grocer, and Elizabeth Doe of Thrumpto Lane, Retford. His parents had a total of 8 children, however by 1911 only four had survived including Percy and brothers Arthur and George and sister Ethel. In that census the family are living at 37 Trent Street, Retford, Percy is 14 years of age and is still at school.
Percy served with the 1/4th Lincolnshire Regiment, it was while serving with the regiment on the Western Front that he won the Military Medal (see report below). He fought throughout the rest of the war but died in hospital in Sheffield of influenza on 23rd January 1919. He is buried in East Retford cemetery
The Retford Times printed the following report on 23 March 1917:-
Another Distinction for Retford,
Sergeant Percy William Doe 1/4th Lincolns son of Mr G W Doe of Thrumpton Lane, Retford has been awarded the Military medal for distinguished service. The official record of the gallant deed, which gained him his much coveted distinction, is as follows; 'On the night of February 15th (1917) at Hannescamps the NCO was out on patrol under 2nd Lieut J R Neave, two hostile patrols were encountered which had to be dealt with at the same time. Both hostile patrols were attacked and driven off in disorder, leaving one corpse behind. The success of our patrol was due to a great extent to the cool and clever handling of the Lewis gun by Sgt Doe. he kept firing as long as it was needed, in spite of three stoppages occurring, which he skilfully rectified.
Retford Times report 31st January 1919 :-
Retford Military Funeral
Deep sympathy is felt in Retford for Mr and Mrs Doe, Thrumpton Lane, in the loss they have sustained by the death of their second son Sergeant Percy W Doe MM 1/4 Lincolns. He passed away last Thursday at the Winter Street Military Hospital, Sheffield. He had been a patient in France for five weeks, suffering from influenza and congestion of the lungs, and was removed to Sheffield on the last day of 1918. He went through the whole campaign up to the Armistice and this was the first time he had been in hospital. He was twenty two years of age. A younger brother, Pte Ge Doe, Sherwood Foresters is in France. The interment took place at Retford Cemetery and the deceased was accorded a military funeral. The firing party came from the RAF and Pte Briggs, (Newton), sounded The Last Post.
Ordsall St Alban's parish magazine, February 1919, Burials: 'Sergeant Percy W Doe MM, Thrumpton Lane, aged 22 years (at the cemetery).'