Arthur Frary
1911 - presser, Northern Rubber Company, Newark. Arthur was still employed by the company when he enlisted in 1914.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Arthur was the son of James and Ellen Frary (née Cummins).
His father was born in East Dereham, Norfolk, and his mother in Kingsclere, Hampshire. They were married in 1881 (reg. Market Harborough) and had six children. The eldest three children were born in Kingsclere and the three youngest in Ordsall: Albert birth registered 1882 (J/F/M), Frederick (Fred) b. 1883, Bertha b. 1885, James Henry (Harry) b. 1887, Alice b. 1889 and Arthur b. 1892. The three youngest children were baptised at Retford St Swithun, Arthur on 2 October 1892.
James, a railway porter (platform), and Ellen were living in Ordsall at the time of the 1891 Census and on the 1901 and 1911 Census were recorded at 30 Ollerton Road. In 1901 the four eldest children were in work, Albert and Frederick as railway engine cleaners, Bertha an apprentice dressmaker and Harry an errand lad.
However, by 1911 only the two youngest children were still living at home, Alice a shop assistant (drapery) and Arthur, a rubber worker presser (Northern Rubber).
Albert had married Doreen Croudson in 1904 and he and his wife and daughter were living in Sutton, Retford. Fred, an railway engine stoker, was living in Netherfield, a boarder in the home of another railway engine stoker and his wife. Bertha and her husband John Pacey (m. 1909) a clarinettist (musician, theatre company) were living in Barnsley, Yorkshire. James Henry (Brother Benedict) was a novice at a priory at Stanford le Hope, Essex.
Arthur's father completed a form for the Army in 1919 listing his son's surviving relatives: James, his wife and their daughter Alice were still living at 30 Ollerton Road. Two sons, Frederick and James, were both serving in the army (see 'Extra information'), Albert was in Sutton, Retford, and the eldest daughter Bertha [Pacey] was living in Barnsley.
Arthur's parents and youngest sister Alice were still living at 30 Ollerton Road in 1921. James snr. died later that year (reg. J/A/S). His widow Ellen and their unmarried daughter Alice later lived on West Carr Road, Retford, where Ellen died in December 1937. Ellen's eldest son Albert had also predeceased her (d. 1937 reg. J/F/M).
Arthur was engaged to the sister of his friend, Edgar Heeds, who lived at 40 Ollerton Road. Edgar served in the York and Lancaster Regiment (9990 Corporal, 1st Battalion) and was killed on 13 April 1915, the day after Arthur was killed in action. (See record on this Roll of Honour)
'C' Company, 1/8th Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Arthur enlisted on 8th September 1914 at Retford in the 8th Battalion Sherwood Foresters on a Territorial Force engagement (4 years service in the UK) but later signed an agreement to 'serve in any place outside the United Kingdom in the event of National Emergency.' He went to the Western Front on 2nd March 1915.
1/8th Bn Sherwood Foresters first experience of front line action came at Kemmel, south of Ypres in April 1915. It is clear from the unit War Diary [TNA WO95/2695/1] that several lives were lost through inexperienced men failing to keep their heads down.
On 12th April the diary recorded: ‘Pte Frary (‘C’ Coy) shot through the head... Men were shot on our parapet. They must use periscopes and loop holes for day work.’
Arthur was buried in Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery, Belgium (grave ref. E 56).
Note: Several military records gave Arthur's date of death as 18 April, later amended to 12 April.
He qualified for the 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
CWGC - History of Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery (extract): The Cemetery is about 8km from the town of Ieper (Ypres). 'Kemmel Chateau was north-east of Kemmel village and the cemetery was established on the north side of the chateau grounds in December 1914. It continued to be used by divisions fighting on the southern sectors of the Belgian front until March 1918, when after fierce fighting involving both Commonwealth and French forces, the village and cemetery fell into German hands in late April. The cemetery was retaken later in the year, but in the interval it was badly shelled and the old chateau destroyed.' (www.cwgc.org)
Two of Arthur's brothers, Frederick and James, served in the Great War. Frederick served overseas with the Royal Engineers. James, occupation Minister of Religion/missionary, was deemed to have enlisted on 2 March 1916 but was not called up for service until 5 September 1918. He was posted to the RAMC (156012 Private later acting sergeant reverted private March 1920) and served in the UK with the London Sanitary Company in Blackpool and also Doncaster (130 Sanitary Section). He was taken on strength of No. 8 Company with effect from 27 March 1920 (Military Hospital Ripon) shortly before he was demobilized on 14 May 1920. His home address on demobilization was given as 30 Ollerton Road. Passenger lists show that James later moved to Australia, but returned to the UK, possibly in 1960, and died at the College of St Barnabus, Surrey, in 1980.
Retford Times 23 April 1915: 'Pte Heeds and Pte Frary'
'It is our painful duty to record the deaths of two more Retford Soldiers – one a Regular and the other a Territorial. They are Cpl Edgar Heeds (20) of the 1st York and Lancaster, and Pte Arthur Frary of the 8th Sherwood Foresters. The lads had been great friends before they donned the King’s uniform. Frary was killed on April 10th and Heeds on April 12th (sic). Miss Heeds, sister of Cpl Heeds, was Cpl Frary’s fiancée and both families live within a few doors of each other on Ollerton Road. Mrs Heeds and Mrs Frary both received letters from their brave sons on the very day they died. The youths were esteemed by a wide circle of friends and many letters of sympathy have been received by their parents – too many to acknowledge personally. They were dutiful sons and Mr And Mrs Heeds and Mr and Mrs Frary are greatly comforted by the reflection that though their deaths left them sorrowing their high examples are worthy to be followed by all that are able to serve their country.
'Cpl Heeds was a pupil at the Council School, Thrumpton and was a choirboy at All Hallows’ Church, Ordsall and before joining the forces some four years ago he had been employed by Messrs R A Bradshaw and Sons offices at the Worksop and Retford Brewery Co. offices. When war broke out he was with his Regiment in India. He was sent back to England and back sent to the front in January. He spent four days leave of absence with his parents in the first week of this year. Cpl Heeds’ father, who is a gatekeeper at Babworth Crossing, has been employed for 31 years on the Great Northern Railway. The father of the last named, who died last year at the age of 84 years, had lived in Ordsall for 63 years and was the oldest inhabitant at his death.
'Mr and Mrs Heeds have a large number of relatives serving with the forces, and a nephew of Mrs Heeds, Pte W Clark of the Lancashire Fusiliers, has received the following letter from Major-General H F M Wilson, “Your Commanding Officer and Brigade Commander have informed me that you have distinquished yourself by conspicuous bravery in the field. I have read their report with much pleasure”. Pte Clarke was a reservist and lived at Dinnington with his aunt, Miss Clark, a sister of Mrs Heeds. He is also well known in Torworth and Ranskill district, having lived with his grandparents, the late Mr and Mrs Marshall, old residents of the former village.
'Mr and Mrs Heeds have received no official intimation of their sons death but his Company Officer has sent the following letter:- “Dear Mrs Heeds, I am sorry to have to tell you that your son’s death took place on Monday 12th April as we were coming from the trenches, having been relieved by another regiment. He was shot through the head so he suffered no pain at all. He was buried with several others of the Company near our trench headquarters. I shall miss him as he was a very promising N C O. Please accept my sincere sympathy in your great loss”.
'Mr and Mrs Frary have also not received any official intimation of their son’s death, but Lieut E C A James has sent the following letter, ”I am writing to tell you how sorry I am that your son, Pte Frary, has been killed in action. You will of course have heard the news before you receive my letter, so I hope that some of your grief has passed away. Your son, although he came from Retford, was not in my Company, but I have had full particulars given to me of his death. He is the first Retfordian, of the Territorial forces to have given up his life for his King and country and I hope this will give you some slight consolation. I have been to see his grave. He was buried last night by the Chaplain. I tried to get to the funeral, but I was too hard at work to get away. His grave is with those of many of his comrades, in the cemetery, where all our British officers and men lie who have been killed in action in the neighbourhood; it is a very pretty spot. The grave is very well taken care of and already has a cross of primroses and cowslips placed on it. I know it will be well looked after as all the graves out here are. Please accept my sympathy in your loss. Your son was brave and I hope his high example will inspire many at home to come out here and share with us the duty which every man owes to his country."
'Lieut- Colonel Fowler [KIA 15 October 1915] also wrote, “I am very sorry to write to tell you that your son, A Frary was shot dead in the trenches yesterday morning and died immediately. He will be buried tonight in the Military Cemetery at Kemmel, by the Rev J P Hales, our Brigade Chaplain. These sad events are inevitable in war, but I want you to know how sorry I am for you in this trouble. Your son has died for his King and country in defence of the right, and no man can die better. I believe he was universally loved in his Company."
'Mr Chas Applby, his foreman at the Northern Rubber Works, where deceased was formerly employed, has sent the following letter of sympathy, “I have been closely associated with your brave boy, Arthur for seven years. Will you therefore allow me to offer my deep and heartfelt sympathy for you in your great trouble. It may be a little comfort for you to know how highly he was esteemed by his fellow workmen and myself, and I can assure you that we all feel very deeply the death of one of our comrades. Speaking as his foreman I might tell you he was the best pressman I have ever had. He was always steady, painstaking and straightforward, trying to do his work so that it is a credit to himself and to the firm. You have lost a good and brave son and this firm has lost a sound honest workman. I shall always remember when he came to me he was going to rejoin the colours. He said he had considered the matter seriously and he had come to the conclusion that it was “my bounden duty” to go. I was so moved by his intense earnestness that I could scarcely find words to reply. Many times I have thought of those words “My Bounden Duty”. I shall never forget them as long as I live, and I shall always cherish thoughts of affection and admiration for that brave boy who went to lay down his life for his country. No honour is to great for such large hearted heroes."
'Pte Frary (22) is the first “Retford Terrier” to be killed. His father is a porter at the Retford GNR station.'
Ordsall St Alban's parish magazine, May 1915: 'Three young soldiers from the parish – Private E Heeds, Private A Frary, Lieutenant J Eddison [John Radley Eddison, 2nd Lieut., d. 21 April 1915] - have fallen in battle.' (Retford Local Studies Library, ref 942.52 ORD)
Registers of Soldiers Effects: his mother Ellen was his sole legatee.
Arthur's personal property was returned to his mother in July 1915 and comprised: Union Jack, bible, diary containing identity disc, packet of letters and postcards, prayer book, small prayer book, French book, tobacco pouch & pipe, watch, lock & key, purse containing badge, holdall containing safety razor, strop, hair brush & comb, razor, shaving brush & soap, tooth brush & cleaning kit, knife and fork.
Probate: Frary Arthur of 30 Ollerton-road Retford Nottinghamshire a private in 8th Sherwood Foresters died 18 (sic) April 1915 at France on active service Probate Nottingham 26 May to Ellen Frary (wife of James Frary). Effects £255 3s.
Research Peter Gillings