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This data is related to World War 1

Daniel Woodward

Service number WR/257927
Military unit Royal Engineers
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 14 Nov 1918 (27 years old)
Place of birth Retford, Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Charles Woodward and Charlotte Morris were both born and were married in Retford in 1884. Over their married life they produced six children, Henrietta, May, Enoch, Daniel Daisy and Gladys all born in Retford. Charles worked as a labourer in the local India Rubber Works and later as a rubber sole maker. In 1901 the family were living at 46 Nelson Street, Retford but had moved to 13 Century Road, Retford by 1911. The couple's fourth child, Daniel who was born in 1891 married Ada Thorpe in 1913 and had two daughters, Ada in 1913 and Joyce in early 1919. As Daniel was killed in the war in November 1918, he would have never seen his last born child.

Military history

Daniel served in the Royal Engineers Railway Operating Dept., most that likely due to his experience working in a railway environment in his civilian life. He was buried in the Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, France

Extra information

CWG additional information:- Brother-in-law of Walter Thorpe, of Ship Inn Cottage, Wharf Rd., Retford, Notts.
Research by Colin Dannatt


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