Arthur Sanderson
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Arthur Sanderson married in 1883 to Eliza Foster at Retford. They lived on Spital Hill where Arthur was a shoemaker. The couple had six children who were all born in Retford, Bertie born in 1884, Alice in 1888, Arthur 1894, George 1896, Annie 1899 and William born 1906. Whilst all the family were together at Spital Hill in 1901, seven year old Arthur junior was at his maternal grandparent’s house at Gringley on the Hill. In 1911, with the boys growing up, Bertie, Arthur and George were all employed as farm workers. A few years later, Arthur junior enlisted in the Army.
As a lifelong Retford Resident, he naturally enlisted at Retford. He left the shores of England on 12 September 1915 and fought in Salonica where he died of wounds, and was buried Struma Military Cemetery, Greece.
Trooper Arthur Sanderson The Retford Times 20/10/1916
Mr and Mrs Arthur Sanderson, Spital Hill Farm. Retford, have received many letters and messages of sympathy from town and country friends in the death of their second son, Trooper Arthur Sandersonof the Yeomanry who was killed in action on September 23rd in the fighting against the Bulgarians. The Rev E J Powell, chaplain in the Notts and Derby Mounted Brigade, Levant Expeditionary Force, writing to the bereaved says:- “You will have received the sad news of your son’s death long before this, but I thought it would be some comfort to you to know of his last hours and of his burial. He was badly shot on Saturday afternoon, Sept 23rd in the abdomen and it was seen from the first that it was only a question of a few hours. He was bought into the field ambulance where everything possible was done for his comfort. I was with him a great part of the time and was present when he passed away. I do not think he suffered much, as he was practically unconscious from the time he was bought in. The end which came at 5.30 on Sunday morning, was so peaceful, not a struggle; just a gliding into the long sleep. We buried him the same evening in a vinery beside our camp, a small mulberry tree casting a shade upon the grave and beside him lies a comrade from the same regiment. The Commanding Officer, Major and his troop leader with many of his comrades came to pay their last tribute at the graveside and men of his regiment acted as bearers and firing party. An officer has taken a photograph of the grave and I believe a copy will be sent to you in due course. My most sincere sympathy is with you all in your deep sorrow. Such a splendid fellow. His troop leader tells me how much he liked him and what a grief he feels. You will have at least have this proud consolation in your sadness – that he died as a soldier and a man, giving his all for his country’s service.” Major Bryan Laing, officer commanding the “C” Squadron writes:- You will have heard from the War Office of the death of your boy who was in my squadron. Thinking you might like to hear the true facts of the case, I take the liberty of writing to you. I was ordered to take up a position with my squadron, which was to be held as a flnk guard to the infantry. Your boy, with Cpl Bower and another formed a small post some 200 yards to my left, watching the road. We were attacked by a large body of Bulgars and during the fire you boy was shot in the stomach. Corpl Bower immediately went to his assistance and your son bravely said “Don’t bother about me; look after yourself.” Corpl Bower carried him some 200 yards back and on arriving at the stretcher bearers was himself shot. Your son was taken back to hospital and died the following morning. He was a gallant lad and showed his pluck in his remark to Corpl Bower.
Research by Colin Dannatt