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This data is related to World War 1

William Arthur Austin Burton

Service number 276065
Military unit 1/1st Royal Gloucestershire Yeomanry (Hussars)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 05 May 1918 (21 years old)
Place of birth Thorpe Salvin, Yorkshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Arthur Austin Burton married Lucy Edith Coddington at Worksop in 1898. He was a Worksop born man and his middle name came from his mother’s maiden name. Their first child named William Arthur Austin Burton was born in the same year at nearby Thorpe Salvin. They must have moved soon after as their next child, Dorothy, was born in Ordsall, Retford in 1900. A year later, the family had moved completely out of the area and was resident at 29 High Street, Rochester, Kent. Arthur was managing a furniture and florist shop and a younger sister, Nellie, was helping with the florist department. Arthur Austin Burton died in 1904, registered at Medway, age 29. No doubt because of this event, the family plans changed as in 1911 William was living with his maternal Grandfather and Grandmother, William and Emma Coddington, at Hatfield, near Doncaster. He enlisted at Retford in 1815 and at the time of his death, his mother was living at 57 Central Ave, Worksop.

Military history

Pte. W.A. Burton Worksop Guardian 17 May 1918
The Worksop Troop Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry has lost a much liked member in Pte William Arthur Burton, eldest son of Mrs. Burton, 27 Central Avenue, Worksop. On Saturday night Mrs. Burton received a letter from the War Office stating that her son had died of wounds in Palestine on May 5th. By a sad coincidence the same post brought her two letters written by deceased some weeks ago. Whilst the previous morning she received another letter from him which had been delayed in transmission. Burton stated that he was quite well, so that his poor mother was quite unprepared to hear of her gallant son’s death. He was only 21 years of age, and as a youth he was a “Guardian Newsboy”. Later he worked at Steetley pit, and he was so employed when he enlisted in September 1915. He went out to the Holy Land last August, and he has died fighting in as good a cause that for which the Crusaders fought. He was well known in Worksop, and was a smart and well conducted lad. Much sympathy is felt for his widowed mother and the other members of his family.

Extra information

CWG additional information:- Son of L.E. Burton, of 57, Central Avenue, Worksop, Notts, and the late Arthur Austin Burton.
Commemorated on the Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery, Syria.
Research by Colin Dannatt
