Percy Cynberht Biffin
Iron moners apprentice
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Dudley Edward Ernest Biffin, a superintendent of insurance, married Jane Scott in Nottingham in 1891. Whilst living at 138 Noel Street, Hyson Green Nottingham, they had 3 children, the eldest being named as Percival Cyneberht Biffin born in 1882. Sometime after 1901, Dudley moved himself, his wife and 2 younger children to Worksop, residing at 85 Watson Road. Percy remained in Nottingham living as a boarder at 10 Woodward Street, Meadows in the Jones household starting his working life as an iron-mongers apprentice. His parents later moved within Worksop as his Percy’s will reads:-“ Percival Cyneberht Biffin of 48 Carlton Road, Worksop, Trooper in H M army died 26 March 1918in France. Administration Nottingham 28 May to Dudley Edward Ernest Biffin superintendence of insurance. Effects £477 2s 6d.”
Private Percival Cynberht Biffin, 5th Dragoon Guards (formerly Sherwood Rangers), was killed in action on 26th March 1918. He is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial.Trooper P.C.Biffin Worksop Guardian 19 April 1918This week again, our columns bear witness to the noble part which this town and district are taking in the great struggle. The heavy fighting is exacting a big toll, and we have to record the death in action of a number of local men. Amongst them is Trooper Percival Cyneberht Biffin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Biffin, Carlton Road, Worksop. Trooper Biffin was killed in action on March 26th, the day following his 26th birthday, in the fighting near St. Quentia. Though not possessed of a strong and robust constitution, the deceased was keen on fighting for his country, and he several times endeavoured to enlist, being rejected on each occasion, until he succeeded, much to his delight, in being accepted for the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry. This was in May, 1915 He joined quite voluntarily, and left a good position in the insurance world at Gainsboro’ in order to do so. He took part in the Dardanelles Expedition, in which he was wounded, and eventually he was brought back to England. On rejoining the army after recovery, he was transferred to the Dragoon Guards, and with this distinguished regiment he saw much service in France. He was at home on leave a few weeks ago, and the news that he had fallen in action has been received with great regret by the friends of the family, who are held in high esteem. Mr. Biffin has received a letter from deceased troop Officer, Lieut Whitlock in which he says:-“It is impossible for me to express to you how much the troop and I miss your son. I can assure you that you have the sincere sympathy of every man in this troop. He fought bravely to the end. Will you please accept my sincere sympathy”Deceased father, Mr. Biffin is the superintendant of the Prudential Assurance Company at Worksop, and is held in very great respect.
Death notice published 22nd April 1918 in the Nottingham Evening Post :- “BIFFIN. – Killed in action, March 26th, 1918, Trooper Percival Biffin, Dragoon Guards, aged 26, dearly loved eldest son of Dudley and Jenny Biffin (née Scott), 48, Carlton-road, Worksop, late of Nottingham and Melton. – Deeply mourned by Father, mother, sister, Winnie, brother Harold (discharged soldier).” In memoriam published 26th March 1919 in the Nottingham Evening Post :- “BIFFIN. – In loving remembrance of our dear son, Percival C. Biffin, 5th Dragoon Guards, who fell in action at Bray-sur-Somme, France, March 26th, 1918, aged [illegible] and brother and sisterAbove notices are courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918