John Woodward
He was employed by the Retford Corporation
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Ann, Winifred, John, Eliza, Frank Henry, Emma, William were all children of John and Elizabeth Woodward born between 1875 and 1891. Both parents and all the children were born in Retford. John Woodward was born in 1882 and in 1908 he married Alice Noble and by 1911 they were living at 49 West Street, Retford. His wife died before the outbreak of hostilities and following his death during the war he left two orphan children – a boy and a girl.
Lance Corpl John Woodwrad Retford Times 16 Feb 1917
We regret to record another Retford hero in the person of L/Cpl John Woodward, Sherwood Foresters, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J Woodward, West Street, Retford. Some time ago a report had been received that he had been missing since the 1st Aug 1916 but last week official news was received that he was killed in action on the date that he was reported missing. Prior to the war Lance Corple Woodward was employed by the Retford Corporation. His wife died before the outbreak of hostilities and he leaves two orphan children – a boy and a girl. He enlisted on the 4th of September 1914 and underwent training at Wool and Lulworth, Dorset. He went to France in June 1915 and on November 22nd 1915 was buried by a bursting shell at Ypres and very badly crushed. He went to Sussex Hospital and afterwards he returned to France in the early part of March 1916. The gallant young soldier who has made the great sacrifice has two brothers serving in France – Corporal F Woodward and Pte H Woodward. The enlisted on Aug 26th 1914. Mr and Mrs J Woodward wish to thank all kind friends for the sympathy shown to them in their bereavement.
Commemorated on the Loos Memorial, France
CWG additional information:- Son of John and Elizabeth Woodward, of 69, West St., Retford, Notts.
Research by Colin Dannatt