Frank Farmer Hind
Considered a potentially outstanding teacher by his secondary school headmaster, Hind was enrolled at University College, Nottingham, where he was also an OTC cadet, and became one of twelve student teachers employed by the City Education Committee to enlist during the conflict.
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Frank Farmer Hind was the only child of Frank, a superintendent of assurance and Kate Maria Hind, née Farmer of 102, Broomhill Road, Bulwell, Nottingham.Frank was born in 1869 at Retford, Kate Maria Farmer in 1870 at Radford. They were married in 1895.
Hind joined 6th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment in France as a second lieutenant in July 1916. He was attached to 110th Trench Mortar Company. Hind’s battalion was part of a British assault launched at dawn on July 14th as the second phase of the Battle of the Somme opened with the Battle of Bazentin Ridge. Weeks of bloody, attritional fighting resulted from failure to capitalise on the successful morning operation of July 14th but, despite sustaining over 300 casualties, 6th Leicesters had achieved their objective and Frank Hind had survived. However, within forty eight hours and after only two weeks in France, he was dead.On September 3rd 1916, Hind’s mother heard from his servant Private Davies (10193) that on July 16th Hind, accompanied by a sergeant, had gone out under to fire to attempt the rescue of a man lying wounded to the north west of Bazentin Wood. Whilst assessing the soldier’s injuries, according to Davies, Hind was shot and killed.Amidst her grief, Kate Hind had two concerns. ‘The knowledge that his body had been recovered would greatly relieve our sorrow. He was our only child,’ she confided and was later reassured to learn that her son had been buried one hundred yards northwest of Bazentin le Petit. Secondly, she was anxious to recover missing personal effects:- two wrist watches, his compass, revolver, field glasses, medical outfit, Burberry coat, fountain pens, 180 ff and identity disc.’ It appears that other British soldiers stole this property.Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz Grave Reference: IV H 4
Source: Britannia Calls: Nottingham schools and the push for Great War victory by David NunnNottingham Evening Post notice (abridged), 2 August 2016: 'Hind. Killed while trying to bring in a wounded comrade, July 17th (sic), Second Lieutenant Frank Farmer Hind, Leicester Regiment, attached Trench Mortal Battery, son of Mr and Mrs F Hind, 102 Broomhill Road, Bulwell, aged 19.'“HIS LIFE FOR A COMRADE.“The Very Gallant Death of Lieut. F. F. Hind.“A BRAVE MAN'S FAREWELL.“Should anything happen, you will know that I died on the battlefield while I was doing my duty.”“This was one of the closing sentences of the last letter that Lieutenant Frank Farmer Hind wrote to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hind, of Broomhill-road, Bulwell.“The letter bore the field postmark of France, and was dated July 17th – the very day he was killed. Lieutenant Hind died whilst doing his duty. Under a heavy fire he went out, cognisant perhaps of the danger, but absolutely fearless, to rescue a wounded private of his company. Rushing along the shell-pitted track, he got to the wounded man, and was carrying him to a place of safety when he fell to a sniper's bullet.“Such, briefly, is the story of how Lieutenant Hind died – “doing his duty.”“The young hero – he was only 19 years of age – was a native of Nottingham, and obtained his civil and military training in the city.“A scholar of the High-pavement Secondary School, he passed at the age of 17 the intermediate science (London University) examination. He was studying for the degree B.Sc. at the outbreak of war, but forsook everything for the Army, and he entered the Nottingham University College Officers' Training Corps under Captain Trotman. At the end of a few months he was granted a commission and gazetted to the 10th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, but later on e was transmitted to another line, with which he went out to the Expeditionary Force in France.“There he was put in charge of a unit of one the Trench Mortar Batteries, which accomplished fine work during the first fortnight of the great offensive.“Lieutenant Hind was well known in sporting circles in the city. A smart footballer and cricketer, he was captain of both elevens of his school; also he was quite at home in the water. Keen at polo, he spent many hours at the Northern Baths, either teaching small boys that game or the art of swimming. Anything in the way of outdoor sport Frank Hind was interested in, and inside he could take his corner with the boxing-gloves.” Above courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918