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Burton Joyce - St Helen's Parishioners

St Helen, Burton Joyce NG14 5DQ. Memorial unveiled 22 September 1922. Nottingham Journal, 23 September 1922: ‘Honoured Names. Burton Joyce Church Memorial to Fallen. Burton Joyce was full last night when a memorial to the 16 local men who fell in the war was dedicated by the Rev. Canon T Field (Vicar of St Mary’s, Nottingham). The memorial takes the form of a tablet in Bath stone with a carved wreath superimposed and bearing the following inscription: ‘Remember the love of them who came not home from the war’ - a sentence from a poem by Dr Bridges, the poet-laureate. The estimated cost of erecting the tablet is between £60 and £70. The architect was Mr FE Littler. Last night’s service was simple evensong, but was no less impressive than if it had been composed of imposing ceremonial. The large congregation testified to the fact that Burton Joyce had not forgotten the sacrifice made by her sons. Stainer’s ‘What are these arrayed in white robes’ was sung and the whole service, conducted by the Rev. CT Witherington (Vicar of Burton Joyce) was eloquent of profound fervour and heart-felt emotion. In the course of a short address, Canon Field said that if there was one movement in which the men, women and children of a place were united, it was that in which they paid tribute to their men who made the greatest sacrifice. Alluding to the fact that the parish already had a memorial [WMA26970, Main Street/Lambley Lane], the speaker emphasised that it was appropriate that another should be placed in 'the sanctuary of God.’’ (

Identified casualties 16 people